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Gillette Fatboy.

Hi everyone.

I would really like to buy a vintage razor, and after a bit of research I have my heart set on a Fatboy. I'd just like to know what you guys think is a normal/fair price to pay for one.

I'm not after anything especially rare like the bottom adjusting version, just a common Fatboy. I'm not even that bothered about it coming with the plastic case either. I like the idea of getting a slightly neglected one and being able to clean and restore it myself.

So, how much is the going rate (preferably in pounds sterling) for a Fatboy with or without its case? I just don't want to get auction fever and over pay for the first one I see.

Oh and if anyone wants to sell one at a reasonable price.... ;)

Thanks gents.
Obviously I'm a total newb so forgive my ignorance, but from reading online info I was lead to believe that there are 3 main types of Fatboy;

The bottom adjuster - earlyest model, super rare and expensive.
The "red dot" - slightly longer handle, not as rare.
The later $1.95 Fatboy - produced 1957 onwards, mass produced and most common model.

Is that info right?

That's what I ment by common, no offence intended.


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Obviously I'm a total newb so forgive my ignorance, but from reading online info I was lead to believe that there are 3 main types of Fatboy;

The bottom adjuster - earlyest model, super rare and expensive.
The "red dot" - slightly longer handle, not as rare.
The later $1.95 Fatboy - produced 1957 onwards, mass produced and most common model.

Is that info right?

That's what I ment by common, no offence intended.

Yes, that sounds about right. there is also the gold tone one called the Executive.

chances are you, you are looking for a basic "common" Fatboy, not a red dot or bottom dial

when the time comes (you haven't met the minimum requirements to post a WTB of FS listing yet), hit up the BST.

mine was from the BST and well below any ebay prices on junkers.

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Yes that's right.
Your razor looks in mint condition. I really like it :)

The plastic case looks good, but I imagine that makes them worth a lot more to a collector.
I'd love to get one in a case but if it's going to cost twice the price for a cased one compared to an uncased one I'll go for the uncased as its a functional vintage razor I want as opposed to a show piece.

How do you check sold item prices on eBay? I need to do some market research.


System Generated
How do you check sold item prices on eBay? I need to do some market research.

Yes, mine is quite Minty. :001_tt1:

to check past sales on the BST, you just have to use the search function, narrow it down to BST listings, keyword FATBOY or GILLETTE and start clicking and reading.

I'll get your started...click here for the results of "FATBOY" searched in TITLES, but keep in mind, some list it as "FAT BOY" or don't use those terms at all in the title.
Also check antique shops,fairs etc as you can come across some decent deals in the wild.
I've personally picked up 4 Fat Boys in the last year with the most expensive being a cased very minty 1960 FB for 60.00 USD,one at a local antique mall for my brother for 10.00 and most recently a D-4 (4th quarter 1958) FB for 5.00 and a D-4 Executive for 10.00 at a local antique swap meet at the same vendor so they can be found in the wild.
If you stalk the message boards here maybe $35.00 user grade - $50.00 ebay. Cased on ebay $85.00 - $125.00 with instructions standard model.

Search fat boy on ebay then click sold to see what sold. Click on Completed to also see those that may not have sold. It is smart to search Gillette adjustable as you might get someone who does not know its a fat boy. Make sure you know about the super ajd. vs fatboy differences to you don't buy the wrong one. Try a WTB also in the Mall.
I just paid $75 for a '59 on the Bay that had been cleaned and had the numbers repainted, etc. Seemed like a little more than I thought I should pay, but I can't argue with the quality, it's super nice and shaves like a dream.
I like those nickle plated versions, I think I will have mine done, The one I use looks so dull next to my every streamline and EJ DB 89.
Of course, buying a Fat Boy will not cure your vintage Gillette RAD. The real question is what to buy next. If you are looking for a reasonable razor that shaves well and is a bit forgiving, my vote would be for a 1940s style Super Speed. Or maybe a 1938-45 fat handle Tech. My current favorite would be an open comb 1930s NEW. Perhaps you should buy one of each, just to be safe ...
I like those nickle plated versions, I think I will have mine done, The one I use looks so dull next to my every streamline and EJ DB 89.
Bear in mind that the EJ is finished in chrome, not nickel. It it bright and shiny, and even a nickel replate will never look like that. A nice nickel finish is beautiful in its own right, arguably more so than the bright chrome finish of an EJ, but it is a warm metallic color rather than a bright, reflective one.

Just FYI.
Thanks for all the info. I have started my quest. Visited 4 charity shops today, none of which had a shingle shaving related item. Typically the shopkeepers all said they do get them in but have none at the moment.

I will get back with pictures when I eventually find what I'm looking for.

Thanks again.

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