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Gillette development



Hi guys.

I'm doing marked research for my new online business that's going to sell Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.

How would you describe the development of Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack sold online?

Could you rephrase the question? I'm afraid I don't understand it. But sometimes I am just dense.

Anyway it will be interesting to see what kind of replies you get here. I don't think there are many users of the Fusion on this board, but maybe some and maybe some more with past experience.

I have a Fusion in an unopened blister pack I bought a year ago but got interested in DE shaving at the exact same time so never used it.
Hi guys.

I'm doing marked research for my new online business that's going to sell Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.

How would you describe the development of Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack sold online?


This is akin to starting a "what's your favourite vodka" thread on a alchoholics anonymous board. Good luck with your new business anyway.
Could you rephrase the question? I'm afraid I don't understand it. But sometimes I am just dense.

Anyway it will be interesting to see what kind of replies you get here. I don't think there are many users of the Fusion on this board, but maybe some and maybe some more with past experience.

I have a Fusion in an unopened blister pack I bought a year ago but got interested in DE shaving at the exact same time so never used it.

I am a bit confused as well, but my take on it, is that he meant to say this:

Hi guys.

I'm doing marketing research for my new online business that's going to sell the Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.

What ad copy would you use to describe the Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack, that I will sell online in my store?


I think he stumbled upon this forum, saw it had something to do with shaving, and didn't read any further, thus doesn't know that this is forum that has a near universal hatred for the current crop of Gillette's US products.
If you read around this site a bit, you'll see that 90% of the members here absolutely HATE the Fusion. In fact many people here found this site because they were trying to avoid paying through the nose for Fusion cartridges, or they were disappointed with the irritation they cause. This is about the worst possible place to look for help selling Fusion cartridges, good luck with your business though.
If you read around this site a bit, you'll see that 90% of the members here absolutely HATE the Fusion. In fact many people here found this site because they were trying to avoid paying through the nose for Fusion cartridges, or they were disappointed with the irritation they cause. This is about the worst possible place to look for help selling Fusion cartridges, good luck with your business though.

Well said. That's exactlly how I found this site too.
Hi guys.

I'm doing marked research for my new online business that's going to sell Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.

How would you describe the development of Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack sold online?


Hi! Welcome to B&B and I wish you all the best with your research.

As has been mentioned in prior posts, this is more of a traditional shaving forum where multi-blades are generally panned in favor of double-edge safety razors, or Straight razors.

That said, there is a lot of knowledge here that can be to your benefit. Just dig around and keep asking questions.

Lastly, I would caution you on your choice of username.

There is already a "Goodfella Razor", a New Zealand company that makes double-edge safety razors that is well known on this forum. If you have plans to use the name or username "Goodfellas" you may want to differentiate yourself from the other company.

I wish you all the best.
I don't think many of the members here will be much help to you as relatively few use a Gillette Fusion and thus wouldn't know what sort of advert is attractive to Fusion users.

However, I do know that buying cartridges online is considered risky by many people because a lot of them are inferior knock offs, so if you're selling the genuine article I'd go out of my way to convince potential purchasers that that's the case.

Best of luck with your new business anyway.
Goodfellas said:
Hi guys.

I'm doing marked research for my new online business that's going to sell Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.



How would you describe the development of Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack sold online?

Oh geez not this again.

Throw away that sissy plastic covered cartridge razor and get yourself a DE Safety Razor.

Last edited:
Hi guys.

I'm doing marked research for my new online business that's going to sell Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.

How would you describe the development of Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack sold online?


I have no idea what these even are, now if your talking Gillette DE's I'm sure you'd get lots of help on this forum.....

I suppose if I had to describe them I'm sure "junk" would be part of it...:lol:
Hi guys.

I'm doing marked research for my new online business that's going to sell Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack.

How would you describe the development of Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack sold online?


The only thing good about the Gillette Fusion Power 4 pack is....If you rim the first one off the waste basket, they give you 3 more to perfect your shot!
Oh!, nice proper introduction!!
I'ed use a schick quattro first. Fusion just irritates my face too much if I use it over two days in a row, like I did over the Thanksgiving weekend. Boy was I glad to get back to using my ranger tech.

I am thinking that English isn't the OP's first language but perhaps what he meant to say was:

"Hello, I peddle razor cartridges in a new internet business. I was wondering if you gentlemen could give me a brief history of Gillette razors from their beginning up until the developement of the Fusion."

It could be taken that way in which case people here could help him.
I always have mixed emotions regarding these kinds of threads. On the one hand, I always feel a little bad about the kind of ribbing guys like this get from people like us. On the other hand, the question does seem horribly misguided, and thus subject to ridicule, for several reasons:

One, this board is for the mutual benefit of members - members take their time to contribute, because they also get the benefit of other members' contributions. This Goodfellas guy so far has contritubuted nothing to this site; his first and only post is asking for free information to help him with his commercial enterprise, which can only leave a bad taste in a number of members' mouths.

Two, he is asking for information about a product that is almost universally reviled on this website, meaning he isn't inclined to get the friendliest of replies.

Three, in light of numbers one and two, it shows this guy hasn't really done his research to find out what this place is all about, which people here can see a mile away.

So here's a tip: part of your "marked" research should be researching the places where you're looking to obtain your data. That, and don't take without giving. Focus group participants at least get a little green for their trouble. What are you offering?

Having said all of that, why am I even wasting my time with a reply? I guess for the same reason people like to slow down on the freeway to gawk at a traffic accident. Yeah, you know you should speed along to keep traffic moving, but the whole thing is just too intriguingly gruesome to ignore.
Until the original poster relies with something I am going to go with a team of 100 monkeys. That is right. A team of a 100 monkeys got together and strung a enough words using refrigerator magnets to form a post. Researchers were so impressed that they posted the response here to see what would come of it. Many bananas were given out that night in celebration of a job well done.
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