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Gillette 7 O'clock black going out of production?

I read in a thread that Gillette 7 o'clock blacks were going out of production. Anyone know for sure??? I hope it's not the case.
Afraid I started this. I read somewhere here that the India plant might be shutting down...but I forget where it was.
Found it. This is kind of a discussion about Indian Willies coming out of Shanghai now...same plant as Gillette Blacks. So, no more Blacks, or made in Shanghai? My fault for muddying the whole thing. The thread is here.
They all see to go sooner or later, get em whie you can.
Yes, some day DE blade production will cease completely. If we are lucky they will be produced for another 100 years or maybe 200 years, who knows. I better get now some more blades before bladeocalypse happens. :scared: :biggrin1:
Well if it happens I currently have about 790 blacks left so ok for a while. But I did try the Gillette Rubie (Russian blade) today, must say not quite as sharp but very close in feel to the blacks at least IMO.
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