Has anyone actually done any of those things that you see on the internet where you complete a few offers and get a free ipod or computer or something? Did it actually work and is it worth your time?
Did it actually work and is it worth your time?
i recall their being a show of some sort where they paid a few people to go through those schemes (even got them a computer to do so) to see what was required, a whole lot of time, going from site to site generating ad revenue and opening your computer up to just about every type of adware out there. if i recall almost all the computers used in the experiment had to be repaired. that is had to have virus/malware removed in large quantity or formatted and OS reinstalled.
advice don't do it. will cost you in comp repair and privacy concern at the very least. they track your web browsing to see where you go and what you buy and what things catch your attention. that may not be a concern to some folks but some of the adware you come across can easily end up being a security risk.
think only a few of the schemes paid off what was promised at the end.
Did it actually work and is it worth your time?
Did it actually work and is it worth your time?
This does not even make sense. These offers have you complete trials from valid companies, such as Netflix or GameFly. Also, if you have a Windows PC, having good antimalicious software programs will prevent this from happening. If you have a Mac, well, you will not be bugged down by Windows and its problems.