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George Wostenholm razors?



I see a lot of vintage George Wostenholm razors on eBay, in decent condition. I have a vintage James Barlow & Sons and a vintage Korten's Celebrated coming. I've only seen 3 JB&S around, and this razor seems very good quality-wise.

Are these GW razors any good? Should I get one? Or pick out some of the more uncommon ones that show up for 10 bucks?
Wostenholms are generally good razors. I have two that are great shavers both purchased off Ebay. Keep in mind Ebay razors will often need restoration and without a doubt will need honing.
Nearly all vintage razors are good shavers. It is the condition that is the most important and then the name will give you a bit more comfort. Some names are expensive and if the condition is poor its when you can get really bad value for money.

Some of the nicest razors I have renovated and sold are names that are neither well known or expensive.

You should look for razors that may have a patina but you don't want indentations from rust. You can see hone ware by the width of the honing bevel. A narrow honing bevel is usually good news on a vintage razor.
wosties are very good

I'd say they stand up against Wade and Butcher or Joseph Rogers. They are really good and I'd describe the razor as an honest daily shaver as used by the majority. They usually have a bit of character with a smile or a bow or a barbers notch and horn scales. I tend to see them as work horses that a barber would purchase. I do know they made some fancy stuff but it's rare to see it nowdays. They have rusted away to extinction or they cost so much you would have to sell the car.

But very good razors are the likes of Wilkinson of Pall Mall or Mappin and Webb and many other names that escape me . These suppliers often made the seven day sets for the gentry with full mirror finish singing hollow grinds and delicate ivory scales. Smooth close effortless shaving for the rich and the pampered.
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