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Geo F Trumper Video

This was on River Cottage some time ago, Apologies if it's been posted before:

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Sad that getting a straight shave seems to be fading a bit into history... I have asked about them at the last couple of old time barber shops while getting a haircut, and they all told me they don't do them any more. One of the places did use a straight razor to shave the back of my neck, instead of using the electric clippers... probably just because I was asking about it.

Nice video, thanks for posting! I would love to be handed $1000 for a shopping spree in their store... getting my mitts on some Trumper product is definitely on my shaving bucket list! :)
This was on River Cottage some time ago, Apologies if it's been posted before:

The barbers I go to do not offer the straight shave anymore but still he uses the straight razor for the neck and around the ears etc...

Its one of the main reasons I go to him (he has been in business there over 40 years) despite it been a good few miles away. I only have a simple hair cut (number 2 all over), but he go the extra mile, taking a little extra off the sides especially around the ears, and tapers the back really well. Then theres the straight which leaves my neck irritation free and smooth as a babies arse.

£6 well spent every 2 weeks, keeps me looking smart.
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Very cool video, but you'd think if the dude's gonna be doing a video like this he'd get a haircut or at the very least splurge on a comb.
hehe . . . yeah, I thought that too. And they probably have some exquisite hair brushes.

I've watched this one a few time. Each time I see it I think about how lovely that limes & hot towel treatment must be.

I'm going to have to try their limes products sometime.
I wonder if the rise of HIV/AIDS and Hep C has had a chilling effect of using straights in the shops. Seems they'd need to wear latex gloves if the cut somebody.
Nahh...as long as the razor is sanitized..no worries...besides..I would worry more with gloves on...make me feel like an experiment :lol:
Wow. That was super cool. Thanks for sharing that video.

It makes me jealous I can't smell test all their products at one time, then decide which I like best. I guess that's what dreams and time are for. lol
Great video! I would have splurged on a good haircut, too.

I could see getting that sort of treatment every couple of weeks (with a haircut, too). If only I lived in London...
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