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Gem Contour II's. Worth opening?

Bought these at an estate sale. They look like a 1912 head on a the handle from a cheap disposable. Anyone know how they shave? Not sure if I should open one up and give it a try or keep them both as is. If you can't read it on the jpeg the price tag reads 29 cents. Not sure what store they were sold in or even when. Really looks like they were trying to compete with disposables.

Well, the blades should be good, and they're a mild introduction to the SE world, so I'd say yes, they're worth a try. These aren't worth much as NOS items IMO.
Well, I rotate between a Bullet tip and a 1912 among others so I'm already introduced. I didn't think there was much value to them. I do think they look nice hanging next to some old blades in my bathroom. Just wondering if they were different enough from a 1912 to be worth trying. The head really looks like a 1912 from what I can see.
My experience is no guarantee for you, of course, but I found mine to be an excellent shaver, mild but effective. It's the final Gem SE model, by which time the company must have seen the handwriting on the wall, but they could still make a good razor.

I normally open up any new in package razor I come across. In this case, with two of them, maybe open up one and keep the other intact if it appeals to you to display it that way. I definitely recommend trying one, though.
Well, I rotate between a Bullet tip and a 1912 among others so I'm already introduced. I didn't think there was much value to them. I do think they look nice hanging next to some old blades in my bathroom. Just wondering if they were different enough from a 1912 to be worth trying. The head really looks like a 1912 from what I can see.

The head design is closer to a G-Bar or featherweight than a micromatic or 1912
If you do open one can you please post detailed pictures and possibly scan the directions. Thanks


The directions are on the back of the package so I can scan those either way. I'll try to get to them this weekend. I'm thinking I might try out one of them after I'm done with the week of 40's SS I'm in the middle of right now.
Do you want to shave with one badly enough to buy one used?

Well, since these cost a whopping 10 cents a piece the price isn't the issue. I was wondering if the shave was different enough to be worth trying. If they shave the same as something I've already tried no point in opening them. I'll probably give one of them a try and keep the other as is for now.
I'd be more interested in trying the blades to see how well they shaved.

I never really thought about trying out old blades. I guess I should have spent some time going through the packs of blades and cartridges in the box as well. Might have been some old SE's in there to try. I stopped on a whim while driving to work. I only had a few minutes to look and still make it to work on time. There was a bin full of electrics as well but I never got to it.
but my elderly dad has been using GEM razors all his life. He used to use these up until maybe a couple of years ago. You could order them via mail from the manufacturer.

I've never used one, but I've handled one. They're sort of cheap, plastic-feeling razors. With time, the spring on the head goes bad and it fails hold the blade tightly. After they were no longer available, he was using rubber bands wrapped around the head (I kid you not) to hold the blades in.

After I got into wet shaving, I found him a NOS GEM G-Bar and later a couple of 1912s (one a NOS one) and he's been happy as a clam using the 1912s for his daily shave. :thumbup1:

I'd say give one a try, I think they're milder than other GEMS but don't expect a top-notch shaving experience.

Bought these at an estate sale. They look like a 1912 head on a the handle from a cheap disposable. Anyone know how they shave? Not sure if I should open one up and give it a try or keep them both as is. If you can't read it on the jpeg the price tag reads 29 cents. Not sure what store they were sold in or even when. Really looks like they were trying to compete with disposables.

I never really thought about trying out old blades. I guess I should have spent some time going through the packs of blades and cartridges in the box as well.

The vintage stainless steel DE blades are better than blades today, IMO. Not sure about SE blades for a GEM razor though.
I've used a Contour, G-Bar and a Featherweight. They all have a similar head design but the Contour is by far the lightest of the three. I like the handle of the Contour better than the Featherweight, but not as much as the G-Bar. How much each person will like it depends on how important the light weight of the razor is to them.


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Question - are the Super Stainless blades in some sort of "vault" of metal or plastic, or just stacked in a cardboard pack? I recently picked up a Contour II in the box, with the instructions on the back & even the card stock blade blank, but no blades ..
Question - are the Super Stainless blades in some sort of "vault" of metal or plastic, or just stacked in a cardboard pack? I recently picked up a Contour II in the box, with the instructions on the back & even the card stock blade blank, but no blades ..

No it comes with two blades and they are in a cardboard box. I'll open one of them up today or tomorrow and put some pix up.
Long time since I've had a chance to read my newsgroups. I did finally try out the Contour and the original blade. I gave it a full week as a test. The first shave was probably one of the worst I've had with a SE. The shaves got better each time however. I think I was applying pressure to compensate for the lightness of the razor. After using the 1912 the light weight of this one threw me off. By the end of the week the shaves were decent. I wouldn't use this as a primary shaver but it was fun to try the last of the Gem's. I've still got one of the original blades. I might give that a try in the 1912 Damaskeen and see how that works.
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