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Gem blades

I was going along so well. I'm one of the ones that purchased from the guy that sold them bulk.
So far I've used 5 of them, was doing well with the Micromatic, thought it was, and it was the best shaves I've ever had. Suddenly, I change blades, and get a rotten one. This is the first time I've cut myself since I learned how to shave forty some years ago.
Has anyone else had this happen, all who bought them here? Is something we have to beware of with any blades? I would appreciate your input


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I haven't had any problems with Gems (so far), but the very first Crystal I pulled out of the pack pulled and tugged real bad and I chunked it. The next one was just fine.

I guess you can get a bad blade out of the bunch on any brand.
I had this with derby blades a few months back, first few blades were fine, last 2 just did not want to cut, but drag.
I guess you can get a bad blade out of the bunch on any brand.

I had the same thing a month or two ago with the first blade out of a pack of Personnas (Red Israelis). Ripped me so bad that I pulled the blade after two-passes on each edge. Almost too afraid to try another one!
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