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Geeks & Serial Killers

Just got a nice laugh...my wife saw me typing some replies on B&B and she said..."Are you talking to your computer friends again? There a bunch of geeks and serial killers!" :lol:
Ya know I just read the report of that murdering lunatic in Florida being captured, the one who murdered his family on Thanksgiving and the AP report stated that he was OCD and bathed and shaved several times daily :blink:

It really made me wonder if he could have been one of our boys here on the forum!!

Take a head count and see if anyone is missing!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I usually get the 'shaving buddies'
According to my mother, guys online are not only serial killers, they're also into men and doing drugs. Of course!

The rants never fail to amuse my father and me.
How dare she insinuate...?!?


Oh, well, maybe.
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