So, a few months into a pu-amassing binge, I'm sitting on a small mountain of sheng, with more on the way. After seperating it into the "drink now" and "age" piles, I've been wondering - why not age it in the garage?
I live in Texas, and for the next 6 months or so, my garage will be blessed(?) with temps in the 90's, with humidity not far behind. It seems to me that this matches, more or less, the classic aging conditions that have been used for centuries ( before this crazy internet era of western pu drinking, with pumidors, humidity beads, etc., etc...
So, can anyone think of a good reason NOT to keep my beengs in say, a wicker basket (to provide airflow), in my hot garage until October or so? Then, bring it inside and stick it in a closet during the winter. Or is this just crazy talk?
I live in Texas, and for the next 6 months or so, my garage will be blessed(?) with temps in the 90's, with humidity not far behind. It seems to me that this matches, more or less, the classic aging conditions that have been used for centuries ( before this crazy internet era of western pu drinking, with pumidors, humidity beads, etc., etc...
So, can anyone think of a good reason NOT to keep my beengs in say, a wicker basket (to provide airflow), in my hot garage until October or so? Then, bring it inside and stick it in a closet during the winter. Or is this just crazy talk?