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Gabels Sta-Cool AF

I found this inexpensively so it's on his way. I am hoping that it has a good kick of menthol in it.
Anyone have any experience with it?
i love Gabels stuff, old time barber and inexpensive- i use the Gabels lime with lime "essential" oil mix right after i shave then put on the stronger after shave, i I use the Pinaud lime sec- it a full blast of lime
List of ingredients... SD Alcohol 40, water, fragrance, menthol crystal, eucalyptus oil, spearmint, sweet birch, fd&c blue #1, yellow #5...well it is green!

The eucalyptus oil is very prominent in this one. Slight cooling, doesn't last real long. Feels good on the face. Overall I like it ok. Once you get past the eucalyptus smell there isn't much there in the way of fragrance. Maybe with a few drops of another AS....
`That actually sounds pretty good.Sounds like what I needed last week when I was having some respiratory problems.It would have been a good followup to the eucalyptus soap I was using.
Using after a shave really ups the octane on this one. Cool methol effect. I put clubman on after and walked outside to my car in the 6:00am air. That was cooling fo sho.
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