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G4 vs G5 Scuttle

Big Thanks to Michiganlover and BST. My Georgetown G5 Scuttle arrived today. I have been very happy with my G4 for the last couple of years but wanted to upgrade to the redesigned G5. Thought I would post my first impressions with a formal review to follow in a couple of weeks.

As you can see I like blue which was the deciding factor when I saw the G5 posted for sale. My 2008 G4 is on the right and the 2009 G5 is on the left. Other than the water inlet not any discernible difference to the eye.

Dragged out SWMBO kitchen scale for a quick comparison.
Dry weight: G4-28.0 oz, G5-29.3 oz
Wet Weight (inter-chamber filled): G4-34.4 oz, G5-35.3 oz

The most notable difference is the inter bowl. My older G4, on the right, has a swirling patten and the newer G5 has a cross hatchet type pattern and a extended inter lip at the top of the bowl.

Can't wait to give the G5 a test drive in the morning.
I've not used either, but the design of the G5 seems like it would work better. Stopper to keep the heat in, and cross hatching to build a better lather.

Look forward to your thoughts.
Wow, what a beautiful selection of scuttles :thumbup1: I can't wait to get your report on the test drive. I would've given in and made a lather just to see happen. Thanks for the pics.
I have the G4 and I absolutely LOVE it for when I'm using creams. I'm awaiting my small Moss to see how a "brush warmer" works!
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