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Futur help

For some reason, one side of my Futur seems to be a bit off kilter. Anybody have any experience with this, or how to fix it?
I get a great shave from one blade, but when I turn it around it barely removes any hair. I'll try to post some pictures later but it seems like there are 2 very thin tension rods that run parallel to the blade edge and one may be a bit out of whack.
Can I replace it?
Have you tried to turn the blade base 180 degrees (take it apart and put it back together)?

Is it still off? Mark (or note) one side and see if the "off" side swaps sides (moves to the other side when you rotate the blade base).

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tutles, I followed that video just out of curriosity and took my Futur apart, cleaned it and re-assembled it. When I shaved with it it felt better than ever, very smooth and equal blade exposure on both sides. So it could be just a poor piece of assembly. The 2 'tension rods' are for holding the head plate on not for any kind of adjustment.
if that doesnt fix it, pm for some spring adjustments ive successfully used several times for an uneven blade gap. not sure if thats ur problem or not
I have this exact same problem, however, I've used it to my advantage with the off kilter side used for my upper lip area etc. Meh, I'll fix it one day. Thanks for the video.
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