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Funny R41 Blood.

Well I've been DE shaving for about 6 months now and have been enjoying it and doing well. I rarely if ever draw blood or get razor burn too bad. I've been able to use adjustables on high settings and have experimented with the sharpest of blades. Last week I got an R41 and enjoyed 3 shaves with a Gillette Silver Blue. All DFS shaves. My beard is course and thick so I don't really ever go to much ATG on my jaw line of neck. Just don't find it productive in the risk reward department. Yesterday I loaded a Feather in the R41 and got another DFS. Today I was feeling cocky and had two great passes using Mike's Bay rum and for some reason wasn't paying attention and went ATG on my jaw line. Before I new it there were many pinheads of blood across my jaw line. More blood than I've drawn in 6 months all together of DE shaving. I just have to laugh. My face is not torn up or anything and I'll be shaving tomorrow. The R41 is a fine razor and feathers are fine blades. I just won't be going against the grain on my jaw line anytime soon again :) I just have to kind of laugh at the experience though!
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Sometimes you have to push the limits to find where your limitations are. However, you need to try again to find out if it was operator error or your skin can't take it.
Sometimes you have to push the limits to find where your limitations are. However, you need to try again to find out if it was operator error or your skin can't take it.

Yeah I'll see :) I think I'm in the group that has to get lucky to get the BBS.
Also this may be a case of trying less sharp blades in a razor with more gap? I know I've had luck with the opposite of using sharp blades in small gap razors for example the Feather or Black in a Tech.
Weirdly enough the R41 and the Tech are the two razors that I can make work with feathers- everything else I end up with truly horrendous razor burn (don't cut myself with any of them though,) talk about opposite ends of the spectrum! My theory is that the blade-feel of the R41 makes me have perfect technique, while the mildness of the tech protects me from bad technique- anything in between gives me hell because there isn't enough blade feel to prevent feather abrasion and it's not mild enough to make feather abrasion impossible.
Yes the R41 is a great razor. The problem is it makes me not want to use other razors I have!
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