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Full Moon Over Wellington, NZ

As photography is a hobby for me, I enjoy beautiful compilations like this one.
Awesome find and thanks for sharing.

I used to live lower down this hill for about ten years and would walk up to this look-out a couple of times a week to enjoy the views (I've since moved to the other side of town where the hills are higher). It a great video (I should have thought of posting it here myself!). To pull this off so to be in the correct position several kilometres away so that the moon rose EXACTLY in the right place was an amazing feat of planning.
My fair city attracts a large number of highly talented amateur and semi-professional film makers partly on account of Weta Workshop / Peter Jackson being based here. James Cameron also spends part of the year here (much of Avatar was made here as well).

Here's another local favourite of mine (tip : the thing that makes this short video so special is that while our winters can be cold and wet, snow is VERY rare).

Awesome. Imagine what sights the universe hold beyond the moon? I can't even wrap my head around that especially when NASA showed a pic that was just a sliver of our Universe. This is just one point in our sky....
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