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Frustrating quest for the perfect alarm clock

My quest for the perfect alarm clock has been nothing but frustrating so far. Perhaps one of you gents can point me to one.

Mandatory features:
1. large display with easy to read (i.e. without glasses) numbers;
2. display panel needs to show at a minimum: time, alarm time, alarm status
3. crescendo alarm
4. permanently lit display with brightness control, or big button that activates the backlight

I would appreciate it very much if I could get some pointers. Anything goes, from simple clocks to iPod-compatible ones to high-end audiophile equipment (a la Tivoli), as long as the mandatory features are present.

Thanks so much. Best - MM
Not sure that this meets your needs, but this alarm clock could be fun (especially if you give to someone else)

"Exploding Puzzle Alarm Clock
If you need extra help waking up in the morning, this one's for you. Particularly if you have the habit of hitting the snooze button over and over again. The EPAC will cure you of that job-threatening habit. When its annoyingly loud alarm goes off, four spring-loaded puzzle pieces go flying across the room. Only way to silence the darn thing is to hunt 'em down and reassemble the clock top."




Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
When its annoyingly loud alarm goes off, four spring-loaded puzzle pieces go flying across the room. Only way to silence the darn thing is to hunt 'em down and reassemble the clock top."



I find that a bat works, as well. Expensive, perhaps, but effective.


"Got Shoes?"
the Bose wave radio provides me with a great alarm clock. I like how the display automatically dims when I turn off the light so that the display isn't so bright. And the gradual way the music, whether radio or programmed CD, gets louder. I did not purchase it originally for an alarm clock but it just turned out that way and I am very pleased with it.


The wife's investment
I have a Sonic Boom alarm clock from the Sharper Image. It is fully adjustable and has a vibrating puck to put under your pillow. It works great and actually wakes me up while others simply lull me to sleep.
Apart from the crescendo alarm, I have a clock from Radio Shack that meets your criteria ... I think it was around 20 dollars.
This Sony seems to have most of the features you're looking for (Amazon).

I don't own this, but saw it talked up recently on the lifehacker blog.
I have had a wave radio for almost 7 year and love it. I think the sound is great. There is also a feature that allows for two alarm times.
Not sure that this meets your needs, but this alarm clock could be fun (especially if you give to someone else)

"Exploding Puzzle Alarm Clock
If you need extra help waking up in the morning, this one's for you. Particularly if you have the habit of hitting the snooze button over and over again. The EPAC will cure you of that job-threatening habit. When its annoyingly loud alarm goes off, four spring-loaded puzzle pieces go flying across the room. Only way to silence the darn thing is to hunt 'em down and reassemble the clock top."



Yikes! My mood is never the best in the mornings and that alarm would put me in the worst mood ever! If I couldn't find the pieces in less than a minute my blood pressure would be through the roof and the alarm clock would probably be through the wall. :cursing: But I'm not a very sound sleeper and I usually wake up before my alarm goes off. I just use my cell phone alarm for what it's worth.
Talking of fun, why not get the Voco!? :biggrin:

Seriously though, I would have through that it should be quite doable to get something to meet your criteria, but then again, I'm using a very simple and small analog alarm clock. Unfortunately I can't help you, but good luck!
I don't know who makes it, but there's an alarm clock that uses bright light to actually wake you up. I'll probably attempt to get one when mine eventually dies.
I know this isn't exactly what you requested but it might be worth a thought.
I don't know who makes it, but there's an alarm clock that uses bright light to actually wake you up. I'll probably attempt to get one when mine eventually dies.
I know this isn't exactly what you requested but it might be worth a thought.

Yeah, I think Hammacher Schlemmer sells that, if that's what you mean.


If you are interested in that, you might also want to check out this alarm clock:


That sounds like a very good option, but without trying one it's hard to tell.

Best - MM
Perfect alarm clock is the Ihome. If you have an Ipod that is. You can wake up to your ipod etc. It is confusing to setup but once you understand it boom bam :) its amazing.
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