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frshly packaged ground lamb.avoiding heartburn

My wife goes to the local market..usually gets freshly ground lamb..but its made with a mix of sauces n spices..my wife was explaining the oils are rich in the lamb even adding it to Israeli Cous Cous ....ONLY thing that worked not to get heartburn..mix some sour cream..its actually really good with it..but anything else work?...im fine even with red tobasco sauce added also :)
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I buy ground lamb burgers from my local grocery dept - never had an issue w/ heartburn. They are surprisingly lean - almost too much so.
Ground lamb is great in chili! I usually buy it after the Ohio State Fair livestock auctions when the price of lamb is down. When I serve my mutton chili to others I tell the that it's armadillo meat.

"Its armadilly chili!"
My wife goes to the local market..usually gets freshly ground lamb..but its made with a mix of sauces n spices..my wife was explaining the oils are rich in the lamb even adding it to Israeli Cous Cous ....ONLY thing that worked not to get heartburn..mix some sour cream..its actually really good with it..but anything else work?...im fine even with red tobasco sauce added also :)

Your post does not specify what is the mix of sauces and spices. Is this a mix that is made by the market? The fat in lamb is very dense and very strong, and is what gives lamb that characteristic aroma. A lot of recipes call for mixing lamb with yogurt or other dairy products because the enzymes will break down the fats, which is what may be giving you the heartburn. You can marinate the lamb in white wine, or with some citrus (lemon, orange juice, etc.), and after letting it sit for a while, drain it off. The acids in the wine or citrus will also break down the fat, which may make things easier for you.
Proton pump inhibitors.
Did I just walk in to a Star Trek convention? :wink2:
A lot of recipes call for mixing lamb with yogurt or other dairy products because the enzymes will break down the fats, which is what may be giving you the heartburn. You can marinate the lamb in white wine, or with some citrus (lemon, orange juice, etc.), and after letting it sit for a while, drain it off. The acids in the wine or citrus will also break down the fat, which may make things easier for you.
Sounds a lot like the principle behind soaking grains, which breaks down substances we can't easily digest in our puny single-stomach systems. So yogurt, kefir, etc. would have a definite effect.
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