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From oil to soap?

At the moment I shave with a very nice oil and get pretty good results. The main problem really is keeping track of where you have been.
Now, I only have a very old synthetic brush which I have used with an equally old shaving soap stick.
I would like to try something a little more sophisticated without breaking the bank.
I am not sure if I need a soap and bowl or a cream and then face lather. I think I prefer to face lather.
I have read quite a few posts about the different types of bristles but I get a little confused (what's new!). Also knot sizes throw me.
Question is, if I choose to face lather is it correct that I would need a shorter bristle?
Can someone give me a little advice please on a good way to start out, size of brush etc.
A good face lather brush would be the Rooney 1/1. It is great for face lathering and does not break the bank.

Generally, face lathering needs a shorter loft. This gives the brush more backbone and makes it more scrubby. A good face lathering brush would be between 19 and 21 mm in knot size and 45 to 47 mm in loft size.

Soap and cream are both good. Pick up some Proraso and Speick for the creams. Pick up some VDH and Tabac for soaps.

Good luck!
Shorter, denser brushes tend to work best if you like to face lather with soaps. If you really like to face lather, consider a boar brush. Once broken in properly, they are the ideal tool for the job. I have a Semogue Owners Club brush and it is my favorite brush for face lathering. It just devours shave soap. The boar hair gives it a great backbone, and once the tips split, it felt great on my face. The other benefit of a quality boar is the price. Whereas a high end badger brush can run$100 and up, a top of the line boar can be had for $30. People often assume that the lower cost of the boar brushes correlates to inferior performance. I have found this to be a fallacy. The only brush that I own approaching the performance of my SOC is my LE Eagle G3 that cost 4X as much.
If you get the 1/1, don't forget about the B&B discount for the T&H-branded Rooney.

Just to make things more confusing, I will also mention the Semogue Owners Club from Vintage Scent. I know some say that the SOC has a little too much loft for face-lathering, but I have to disagree. Mine is breaking in very nicely.

Have you been face-lathering with your synthetic brush? Any idea what kind of loft and shape it has? If it feels floppy when you face-lather, you could try gripping it at the bottom of the knot instead of the handle - like choking up on a bat. Or you could try the velcro-strip or o-ring hacks. That might give you a good idea of what you like and don't like, as far as loft goes.
I'm afraid that my old brush really is past it, I shall look forward to burying it without honours.
It has a 45mm loft but as I say pretty ropy.
Sorry edited because I didn't answer you question. No, it's not too floppy, just right I think, but I think I need to upgrade
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Thanks for that. I assume with cream you just put a dab on the end of a wet brush, is that right?

You can put a dab on top, in a bowl, etc. I prefer the twist-and-swirl method, though (twist and swirl your shaving brush in the container).

If this is your "first brush", please take a look at the reviews. The Rooney 1/1 I suggest is good, but there are so many options out there. Good luck!
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