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I wanted to post this in a classified category but I could not start a new thread. Oh well. So I tried some Voskhods, two of them actually, and they just are not for me. There are 3 remaining in the box. If anyone would like them, PM me your address and they are yours. I wouldn't mind a Feather or a Super Iridium to try in exchange but it's not required. :001_tongu I know some people love Voskhod blades which is why I'm not just recycling them but offering them up.
and no the remaining 3 have not been opened.
I love Voskhods -- very smooth blades for me. But I have a flat and don't want to take these three, would rather they got PIFed to someone who hasn't tried them.

It's not required but... if you PM me your address, I'll send you a couple/few Iridium Supers or Polsilver SuperIridiums though. (I'm of the belief that they are the same blade, different packaging).
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