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Fragrances you abhor

Which fragrances disgust you or make you feel sick? Hate is a strong word but do you hate any fragrances?

I know this board really likes these, but for me: Czech and Speake No 88 and Penhaligons Hamman Bouquet.
In fact will refuse to shake hands with a man that wears CnS 88.

Which are yours?
Fahrenheit by Dior. It smells like an electrical fire to me. Secretions Magnifique. I got some as a gift and have never worn it. It smells like the deer urine that hunters use to mask their human scent.
1. Le Labo Oud 27 - when this first came out, there was a dispenser outside their Soho store. I took a squirt and walked around smelling like stale urine until I could find somewhere to scrub it off. I can't imagine anyone actually wearing this one intentionally.

2. Secretions Magnifiques - believe the hype.

3. Fahrenheit - diesel fumes.
Timely question for me, as I just tried one last night - Creed Orange Spice. Had to wash it off, and was left wondering why anyone would want to smell like that.
Fahrenheit and Joop! are 2 that I have not liked one bit since the day they came out.

Although I must admit that I would like to sample them both again all these many years later...
Although not normally considered as "fragrances" in the traditional sense, I get sick in the presence of cinnamon and popcorn. Both of these make my skin crawl and my stomach feel queasy. If someone has a cinnamon bun on the table or is cooking some microwave popcorn, I can't even be in the same room until they are done.

Among aftershaves, EdT and EdC ... I like the smell of Sandalwood, but using it always makes me itch. I've tried a few different sandalwood soaps and get the same reaction each time. It took a year or so until I recognized the pattern, and I will not buy any Sandalwood products, if it is a major ingredient. (The one exception to this is Floris Santal, which is in a league by itself.) Some products I love, like Tabac, has Sandalwood as a trace ingredient, and this I can tolerate.

I love the smell of Lavender, but it stings my skin whenever I apply it in any form. But it stings in a nice way, so I don't hesitate to use it when it is in season.
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal. Don't understand the appeal of this one, or how it has received positive reviews. Smells foul on application, doesn't morph into anything remotely pleasant, and also doesn't smell anything like real lilacs. Just a gross scent all around.
......................Secretions Magnifique. I got some as a gift and have never worn it. It smells like the deer urine that hunters use to mask their human scent.

I don't think your description does Secretions Magnifique justice.
If the deer hunters opened up the deer they shot and smeared themselves with the entrails in some form of primitive hunting success ritual, they would be half way towards smelling like Secretions Magnifique.

If you got it as a gift, wouldn't it be akin to getting a horse's head?
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal. Don't understand the appeal of this one, or how it has received positive reviews. Smells foul on application, doesn't morph into anything remotely pleasant, and also doesn't smell anything like real lilacs. Just a gross scent all around.
+1 ... I don't understand the appeal either.

I bought a new bottle of LV about a year ago. The first time I put it on, it was pleasant to wear, and the ladies seemed to like it. But every application after that got me that "cat urine" aroma that LV is famous for.

I know that the new plastic bottles that LV is packaged in tend to help it deteriorate rather quickly. But should it degrade in just one day?

Conventional wisdom suggests decanting it into a glass bottle, and that's what I'll do if I ever get another LV ... but that's unlikely, since I already have so many other fragrances to choose from.
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal. Don't understand the appeal of this one, or how it has received positive reviews. Smells foul on application, doesn't morph into anything remotely pleasant, and also doesn't smell anything like real lilacs. Just a gross scent all around.

+1 ... I don't understand the appeal either...

I've never tried the Veg and probably never will as it is hard to get your hands on here in Sweden but I will just have to remind you of what the Pinaud Lilac Vegetal fanatics keep on saying.. You don't choose The Veg, The Veg chooses you! :lol:
The VEG -- purchased a bottle on Amazon after reading some reviews. Wasn't crazy about the scent in the bottle, and then put a little on after my shave, I couldn't believe the smell. My wife asked "why do you smell like a nursing home!" I then tried to wash it off and apply something different. That resulted in me smelling like a "junior high school dance!" I may keep it just because it looks "old school" on my vanity, but will most likely PIF to someone that appreciates the VEG.
I don't think your description does Secretions Magnifique justice.
If the deer hunters opened up the deer they shot and smeared themselves with the entrails in some form of primitive hunting success ritual, they would be half way towards smelling like Secretions Magnifique.

If you got it as a gift, wouldn't it be akin to getting a horse's head?

Your description is more accurate. I got it from someone who knew I like fragrance and thought that a sample of that "ultra luxury" scent would be appropriate. She was wrong.
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