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Fountain Pen Rack

Can someone please tell me where I can purchase a good quality Fountain Pen Rack.

Im not interested in a display case.


Levenger has some nice (but expensive) pen stands. There's cool looking one that's a cube wrapped in bomber jacket leather and holds six pens. For a quick fix, how about a toothbrush holder?
The test tube holders you can find work well and look nice on the cheap etsy is full of them... also make good razor holders
I've seen pipe racks, test tube racks and the box type pen holders used.

I just keep the ones I am using (filled ones) in a glass on the desk

Here's an idea that may or may not work for you.

High school shop class.

When I was in woodshop we did lots of projects for random people. Essentially they either got free stuff, or close to it (if it was made of pine or stock woods), or simply paid for the exotic woods. They usually came out pretty awesome because we knew there was an actual person wanting it. A decent amount of high schools or, better yet, tech schools, will do things like this. I even got body work done on a car completely free because a tech school needed stuff to do actual work on.

This could work for shave racks, pipe racks, etc.
Here's an idea that may or may not work for you.

High school shop class.

When I was in woodshop we did lots of projects for random people. Essentially they either got free stuff, or close to it (if it was made of pine or stock woods), or simply paid for the exotic woods. They usually came out pretty awesome because we knew there was an actual person wanting it. A decent amount of high schools or, better yet, tech schools, will do things like this. I even got body work done on a car completely free because a tech school needed stuff to do actual work on.

This could work for shave racks, pipe racks, etc.

* What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
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