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Found the absolute mother of all motherloads of AS in the Raleigh/Garner,NC area

I posted this in a different section a while ago, but I can't seem to find it, so I'm wanted to start a new thread, because I really wanted to share this and help other people out who may be looking for aftershaves available locally:

The Beauty World, located 3210 S. Wilmington St. in Raleigh
. The same little stripmall with the Red Wing shoe store, cookout, taco bell and family dollar. It's right in between Raleigh and Garner, if you live out there you've probably passed by it a thousand times and never thought twice about it. Do yourself a favor and stop by and be in awe of the sheer number of aftershaves locally available. They have (what I'm sure must be be) the entire line of Pinaud products, at least they have everything I've read about on here and more I've never heard of.

I stood there drooling
:drool: for a while, but then I decided my marriage was worth more than my acquisition disorder, so I walked out, empty handed. But alas, it's there and I know it's there and I will be going back.
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Ok, so that will be another trip to Raleigh, I guess, to check this out, wonder just how much stuff they have?

Go Heels!
I wish I had taken pics. Maybe one of you when you stop by can snap some. I've only been DEing for a little while, but when I saw what they had I knew I had to post it so others would know. Also, hopefully they will keep it all in stock if we keep the dust off of it.
Yeah! Definitely take pictures. I can send a friend on an errand as he is coming to visit next weekend. Now if I can just figure out how to get him to bring a Bojangles with him....
I'm going back to Pinehurst in October for golf. I just mapped the location, and it really isn't much out of my way from the airport. I'll have to check it out. Really worth it, huh?
FWIW, I think so...but hopefully one of the local long time DErs, can swing by and take a look and get their opinion. I would love to hear someone else's opinion about what I think is a pretty good find. Especially since I just stumbled upon it. I was at the Family Dollar checking out the FD "Spice" and I walked out and this place is 2 doors down so I was like what the heck, lets go see what they got for smiles and grins...
Thanks in part to this thread, I stopped by their Durham location today. Their stock is just as wide and deep as the Garner location. It's well and truly a wet-shaver's paradise! While I was there I picked up two new (to me) AS splashes: Skin Bracer Cool Spice (they had about 10 more left) and Cooling Blue (about 4 left). IIRC, these are both discontinued NOS--which is a pity, since I really enjoy both scents and had never seen them before.

When (not if!) you go back,do some exploring in the other aisles and you'll find a "ju-ju"/santeria section where you'll find M&L Floride water, Naranja Water, and lots of other strange and wondrous concoctions. In the Latino section I found both the regular and large sized Superior 70 Bay Rum for very little cash, as well as lots of other interesting stuff. They even had Lustray Bay Rum in a ONE GALLON bottle!!

For those Triangle wet-shavers looking for DE blades, I noticed that they also stocked Dorco 301's as well, but that seemed to be the only blade in stock.
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