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Found NEW Gillette Safety Razors

First, I'm a complete newbie and this is my first post; I created an account for this forum 5 minutes ago. Dissatisfied with the cost and quality of my Gillette Fusion razor, I decided to research to find a better solution and here I am.

Coincidentally, my father gave me two brand new Gillette safety razors. He got them from his father years ago. They look like they could be from the 70s. They look just like the one pictured below, except the bottom part is not rounded.


Like I said, they're brand new and in original packaging. They come with some platinum-plus blades as well. So here are my questions:

1. What are these worth?
2. Are they quality razors?

Thank you guys for your help.
Something like this?


They are quality razors, and excellent for beginners, as they are on the mild side.

As far as what they're worth, to a collector, in its package, you might find someone who'd give you ~$25 for it but, honestly, you don't want to sell them do you?

- Chris
Wow, that's the exact razor. The packaging is different though. The packaging is red with "ECONOMICA" at the top. My grandfather immigrated to Cuba from Poland and likely purchased them there.

At $25, I'm going to use them myself. Wasn't sure if they could be worth hundreds or something. :)

What does it mean that the razors are on the "mild side?"
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The shape of the head and the exposure of the blade allows for a less agressive shave. Some razors have a steeper head and/or greater blade gap, such things increase the aggressiveness of the razor. More aggressive is not necessarily a good thing in a razor, IMO.
What does it mean that the razors are on the "mild side?"

DE safety razors vary in geometry--specifically in how aggressively the blade edge can be applied to your skin. It's not a very easily quantified characteristic. Gillette tech razors, in general, were designed to give an effective shave without punishing careless technique. It may take a few extra strokes here and there to get the smoothness you desire but it's not likely to cause much nicking or razor burn compared to most others.

Oh, and welcome to B&B!

- Chris
Welcome aboard! Your razors will be perfect to learn with, then you might look to other razors when you are comfortable with your technique (then the Acquisition Disorders start to pop up :biggrin:).
That is a Tech style head, which I think is one of the best DE designs there is! They are great for beginners, it is easier to figure out the blade angle with one of those than any other razor, IMHO.
Wow, that's the exact razor. The packaging is different though. The packaging is red with "ECONOMICA" at the top. My grandfather immigrated to Cuba from Poland and likely purchased them there.

At $25, I'm going to use them myself. Wasn't sure if they could be worth hundreds or something. :)

What does it mean that the razors are on the "mild side?"

Sadly Tech's even in mint condition are dime a dozen and pretty cheap.

If it were a mint Toggle or Fatboy for that matter you could fetch over $150+ on Ebay, there are others that go higher than that.
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