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found my replacement for swedes after 2 yrs

Yep...after trying practically everything that is out there I realized that the best blade for me is IRIDIUM - yes sir....smooth as a baby's butt...and when i compared it to some of the old swedes I have left over - I would have to say its even better !!!...I wish I had not spent all the money on other blades.

This blade by the way - is the cheapest as it give me at least 4 shaves (4 days with 2 passes on each day) - so about the price of Astra - which last me one day (and require 3 passes).

Just though I would share it with my brethren who are on their own quest to find a perfect blade.
You know, as I try new blades (currently on Gillette Bleue Extras), I keep coming back to Iridiums. They are excellent, and very consistent.
-- Chet
I have a pretty tough beard. I can get 5-6 good shaves from an Astra, at a minimum. I can't imagine killing an Astra blade after one shave. It makes me wonder how long those Iridiums would last me.
I have a pretty tough beard. I can get 5-6 good shaves from an Astra, at a minimum. I can't imagine killing an Astra blade after one shave. It makes me wonder how long those Iridiums would last me.

Even more evidence of YMMV....I also have a pretty tough beard in combination with some rather sensitive skin...I only get 2 good shaves from Astras (3 passes each). After that the blades are too dull for me to get an enjoyable shave.

In my last blade purchase I got a 10 pack of Iridiums...I'll have to try them next. From what I hear they are supposed to be just as sharp as Feathers but smoother - sounds good to me!
tough beard here too. 7 shaves x 3 passes with an Astra Pt. Iridiums were lacking in comparison. but, as the man said, ymmv.
I would agree that the Super Iridium is probably sharper than the Swede but the Swede lasts at least twice as long IMHO. I generally use 3 blades, Feathers, Super Iridiums and Sharks. I recently picked up some Swedes in a trade so I've been trying one now for the last 10 days. I do a triple pass every day and after 10 days it was still sharp enough to give me a BBS this morning. Super Iridiums usually give up the ghost around shave 4 or shave 5.
Yes the Iridium blades are wonderful.
They are my to go blades as well. Works perfectly in the "Muhle 2009 head" razors.
They are sharp, smooth and last quite for some time. Once I pushed a blade to 7 shaves.
Today I will have shave #5 with the same blade.
Feathers are sharper! I managed to get a closer shave with a feather. I use Feathers for special occasions.
But for some people Feather won't do. They are too volatile.

But the Iridium blade are great! Worth trying if you haven't done that yet!
It might just be you favourite blade!
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