I like to do a bit of traveling and a few years ago I picked up some of these handmade bowls. The usually hold coasters but I decided to see if they would hold my MWF... kinda surprised how well they fit!

They all look good, but please make sure that the wooden bowls have some kind of protection against water.
Where did you find them. You say you were traveling, hopefully it was in the US and others can find these locally to them.
They all look very nice but as said make sure they are sealed well before getting them soaking wet.
They all look good, but please make sure that the wooden bowls have some kind of protection against water.
That first bowl looks great, that'd be great to display in your bathroom on the counter.
Did the pictures get pulled off? I don't see them?!!?? I'm looking for a cool wooden bowl for lathering. I'm currently using a little ramekin to hold the soap and load my brush.
I totally agree... they are beautiful bowls, however, I'm beginning to think that they were originally shave bowls made for holding shave soap, then the manufacturer 're-purposed' them to be used as coaster holders (because of over-production), and now they are back to being used for what they were originally designed for. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Of course, it's nice to speculate with such gorgeous wood bowls.
I like the last bowl. It doesnt seem to be made of wood. Whats the material, as it seems it could be tolerant of water anyway?