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For your consideration, Gentlemen: Souplex blades

Gentlemen, I'd very much like to raise awareness of the excellent Souplex razor blade.
It's made in Solingen, but is virtually unknown in German wetshaving circles, I could find very little information on it on German wetshaving boards.
So it was up to Talibeard to interest me in those blades.
I ordered a pack of ten and was amazed: These are the smoothest blades I've ever tried. Admittedly, they are not among the very sharp blades, but they give a very good, effortless shave nonetheless. They are in the sharpness range of IPs/Crystals in my opinion, but significantly smoother than both. They are also incredibly forgiving, which could make them a great choice for beginners or very sensitive skin.
Talibeard has a great review on them.

The blades are made by Medyna Rsierklingen GmbH

and sold by scherenprofi.com:


They also have an ebay shop, if you are so inclined.
All Personna/Crystal users really should give them a try! (Everyone else as well, of course...)
Of course I'll back Nils up here! :001_rolle

These are indeed very much worth a try and as Nils said not the sharpest (nor the cheapest) but a very nice smooth and forgiving blade. One of my favs and really nice in a more aggressive razor. Very consistant performer and a shame that they are not more popular; they deserve your attention for sure! :thumbup1:
Harrie/ talibeard sent me a couple of these in a trade we worked out. They were very good quality blades. Seemed pretty smooth as I remember. :001_tongu
A little update: after some weeks of 7 o'clocks I tried one in a Merkur 11c today: fantastic shave, blade and razor seem to compliment each other very well!
A nice coincidence; I used one last night (the one before is several months ago) and though I need an extra pass the shave was very pleasant. Doing 3 passes with a Souplex is for sure no punishment! :thumbup1:
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