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For those of you who shave everyday: the first pass is really necessary?

I'm a wet shaver since 2005.
I use to shave every three days.
This pattern is due to my sensitive skin and is not related to the speed which my beard grows.
By the way, my beard grows very fast.
But as fast as it grows, 24 hours after one shave the stubble is less pronounced than after the WTG pass during the shave.
Hence the question for those of you who shave everyday:
Is the first pass WTG really necessary?
Do you manage to reduce something during this first pass or this only contributes to the following iritation?
Going further, is ATG pass sufficient for you?
Every day. The first pass WTG is necessary for me. My beard is not heavy, but it grows fast enough that if the 1st pass is AGT it's too uncomfortable.

Then the second pass AGT, because the first pass is not enough.
I'm a wet shaver since 2005.
I use to shave every three days.
This pattern is due to my sensitive skin and is not related to the speed which my beard grows.
By the way, my beard grows very fast.
But as fast as it grows, 24 hours after one shave the stubble is less pronounced than after the WTG pass during the shave.
Hence the question for those of you who shave everyday:
Is the first pass WTG really necessary?
Do you manage to reduce something during this first pass or this only contributes to the following iritation?
Going further, is ATG pass sufficient for you?

Absolutely necessary for me...If I don't do WTG and skip to XTG, I will kill my skin. I get ~70% reduction from my first WTG pass, ~20% reduction from XTG and ~10% from ATG...that's an average estimate and the # depend on the kind of razor I use.
I definitely need the first pass. I have an odd beard though, it grows like wildfire, and after 24hrs I have more stubble than I do after my 1st pass.
I use a more aggressive setting on my razor for the first WTG pass. This morning I set the Slim at 6. This removes a fair amount of stubble with pass one.

then I turn it down to 3 for the XTG pass. The XTG pass is definitely more comfortable when attempted after a WTG pass, in my opinion.

I do two passes every day without irritation.
I repeat: the question is for those of you who shave daily.
I made the following experiment: yesterday evening, after three days of growth I manage a BBS in two passes, one WTG followed by one ATG. Today's evening, after 24 hours the WTG pass does nothing. Conclusion: the lenght of the stubble after one day after a BBS is equal to or shorter than after the WTG during the BBS.
I repeat: the question is for those of you who shave daily.
I made the following experiment: yesterday evening, after three days of growth I manage a BBS in two passes, one WTG followed by one ATG. Today's evening, after 24 hours the WTG pass does nothing. Conclusion: the lenght of the stubble after one day after a BBS is equal to or shorter than after the WTG during the BBS.

I wouldn't call this "experiment" by any means definitive. It appears your beard grows slowly, or more so than mine as you've indicated your beard grows "very fast". I generally am able to obtain a BBS shave (or near BBS) each time I shave. The next day, I'm shaving again to remove the obvious stubble that has grown since the last shave. Beard reduction via a WTG pass is still useful for me.
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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
yup. you can't have a second pass without the first, uh, first.

Not so. I've been shaving for years, and I never take a first pass. I always go directly to the second pass, and it works like a charm. :tongue_sm
Mate.....I never shave with the grain.....like you say its just one more pass , and that is something you want to cut down on if you have sensitive skin.
The "experts" here say otherwse but it works for me....

I only shave ATG and XTG in no particular order...just how I feel at the time.

The first pass is generally a good enough shave on its own this way.....the second pass is just because I like a very smooth face.

I have sensitive skin too and have found the following helpful

1. Shave sticks, re apply even at 2nd pass even though there might be enough left on the brush - my elcheapo Aust Palmolive is as good as TABAC mug soap (which I love) for me . I am not sure why but it may be that even though it is an inferior (according to this board) soap that because I am applying it directly to my face it works better...but I don't really know why.....it just works.

2. revist some blades you previously had poor experience with - I have just bought a pack of Lord Stainless blades which I didn't like before, but now I am getting a very good shave from them.

3. Get rid of your blade BEFORE it starts to dull.

4. KNOW WHEN TO STOP! No point in touching everythng up if you get rash. Two passes AGT/XTG in any order that comfortable and then STOP.

Good Luck
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Lately I have been doing a nice, relaxing wtg and xtg shave in the evening. So in the morning I just do a quick atg and I'm good to go. That's the only time I skip wtg.
Hence the question for those of you who shave everyday:
Is the first pass WTG really necessary?
Do you manage to reduce something during this first pass or this only contributes to the following iritation?

Yes WTG is necessary. It reduces, or more precisely, prevents facial pain.

If I did the first pass ATG, my face would really hurt! It would be like plucking hair rather than shaving ... at least for me. The second pass will also be WTG because if I do otherwise I'll get ingrown hairs.
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