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For those of you who shave daily, how do you do it?

Hello everyone,

As a corollary to the thread I just posted ("Shaving over a pimple"), for those of you who shave every day, either by choice or because you're required to, how do you not get irritation/razor burn? I shave every 3-4 days to minimize both of these problems, but what's your secret?

- ice
Proper prep, proper technique, a fresh (not overused) blade that works with your face, time and patience are needed in order for the daily irritation free shave. For those with sensitive skin, it may also mean only 1-2 passes per shave if you shave daily.
+1 I'd add that going for a BBS shave every day is not absolutely necessary. There's nothing wrong with an occasional SAS.
Proper prep, proper technique, a fresh (not overused) blade that works with your face, time and patience are needed in order for the daily irritation free shave. For those with sensitive skin, it may also mean only 1-2 passes per shave if you shave daily.

What he said.

If you are getting irritation from your shave, something isn't right.
Agreed. I shave 6-7 times a week. If my face feels a little irritated I did something wrong and compensate by dropping a pass until all is well.
+1 I'd add that going for a BBS shave every day is not absolutely necessary. There's nothing wrong with an occasional SAS.
Frequent blade changes (no more than 2 uses per), use a good one (Feather, 7 O'clock Yellow for me), & skip ATG for the neck.

A notion that has been mentioned on other threads: you are your own worst critic. You notice all the little missed spots or non-BBS areas w/ little effort, but what people see is a guy who shaved that AM.
I, for one, get the best shaves and least irritation if I skip at least a day between shaves, no matter how good my 'technique' and prep are------we're all different. Even the most skilled experienced shaver with the best tools and blades can't change his skin's sensitivity and reactions, sad to say. You have to learn what works for you and disregard comments from others who don't even know you, but are telling you 'your prep is bad, you're using too much pressure, etc.' After 20 or 30 years, most guys know what their face can take shaving-wise. If you're one of the lucky ones with fine, sparse, slow-growing whiskers that fall off at the sight of a razor, consider yourself lucky------it's not just your 'superior technique' that allows you to do this!! If I HAVE to, I could shave every day, but best results for me are allowing a day's rest or so between shaves. YMMV is the key phrase in shaving.
It's difficult to answer because we don't know how you are shaving. But...

Most people get irritation mostly in the neck area. This isn't only due to more tender skin, but also because the grain of the hair might be unknown to the shaver. You should touch your face for a while and find out exactly what direction your beard grows into. Area around adam's apple might yield some surprises.
I have to say I agree with YMMV.

And that making sure the beard is wet and the wiskers soft (Proper prep), the blade angle is correct (proper technique), having a fresh (not overused) blade that works with your face and the number of passes that you do.

For me ... I have to think about the overused blade because that and the blade angle might make my face a little irritated.

And I have to LOL at the fact that I am my own worst critic and I do notice all the little missed spots or non-BBS areas w/ little effort.
First times when i started DE shaving it was hard to get same nice shave 2nd day.

For example if i wait and rest my beard like 2 days then first shave was great but the other day it was starting to get irritated.

Now with my technique being settled and as i finded a nice combo of razor and blade everyday i can get same great shaves.
Proper prep, proper technique, a fresh (not overused) blade that works with your face, time and patience are needed in order for the daily irritation free shave. For those with sensitive skin, it may also mean only 1-2 passes per shave if you shave daily.
The_Edski says it all. I really haven't had problems with razor burn when shaving with a DE because I do as he says. It just doesn't happen like it did in my Mach 3 days, those no days off to heal.

Even minor irritation a thing of the past since I accepted DFS as the norm instead of going over trouble spots repeatedly in pursuit of BBS every time.

This week I have started doing a WTG/XTG + touch ups instead of WTG/XTG/ATG + touch ups. Not sure that I am going to keep with that, as at 14:00 I am already feeling stubble in some spots.
I, for one, get the best shaves and least irritation if I skip at least a day between shaves, no matter how good my 'technique' and prep are------we're all different. Even the most skilled experienced shaver with the best tools and blades can't change his skin's sensitivity and reactions, sad to say. You have to learn what works for you and disregard comments from others who don't even know you, but are telling you 'your prep is bad, you're using too much pressure, etc.' After 20 or 30 years, most guys know what their face can take shaving-wise. If you're one of the lucky ones with fine, sparse, slow-growing whiskers that fall off at the sight of a razor, consider yourself lucky------it's not just your 'superior technique' that allows you to do this!! If I HAVE to, I could shave every day, but best results for me are allowing a day's rest or so between shaves. YMMV is the key phrase in shaving.

Not sure where your hostility is coming from, but I don't read anyone's posts (at least in this thread) to say that they can or do shave everyday because they are "superior" shavers. I shave pretty much every day because I have to for work, but would not describe my whiskers as either fine, sparse or slow growing (which is an odd generalization of people who shave everyday...you know, "YMMV" and all). If that were the case then I wouldn't have to shave everyday.
Some of us have to shave twice in one day if we want to enjoy the evening.
A lot also has to do with your shave methods and at times the material you use. For example I can not shave with some soaps on a regular basis, I have to change them out becuase of there cleaning properties.
+1 on the blade being changed out on a regular basis.
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For me shaving every day reduces irritation. I don't know if it is because the stubble is holding dirt and oil on my face or if it is the stubble itself that causes the irritation. If I skip a day of shaving I have much more irritation, and get over all poorer shaves, than when I shave daily.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I'm retired and I shave every day because I like to. Assuming proper prep the only way I get razor burn is getting too impatient/aggressive with the razor. As long as I keep a light touch I'm fine. I usually lather three times. I do find that some creams are better for me than others - CF Lavender being the best.
I shave 5-6 times a week, I use a straight razor and most days its a 2 pass shave. WTG and XTG. I get DFS with just this, I use an alcohol AS followed by a balm. I don't get irritation unless I do something wrong ( too much pressure, wrong angle) most of the time I barely feel the alcohol AS.
For a one-pass shave it seems the expectation of a good shave, no thoughts at all about a second pass, and no thoughts about the need for touch ups(or touch ups by sight only) is the formula. I can get a DFS that approaches BBS with a DE in 1 pass. I only get BBS on the easy areas.

Sadly with a straight, which is what I have normally been using, I need 2 passes for the same result. My problem areas are more of a problem with a straight.

I get my best and most comfortable shaves if I do it immediately after a shower. I shave 6 to 7 times a week with a straight. Occasionally if I want to get the area under my jaw especially close I will do the third pass with a DE on my neck only.

I still haven't perfected that with a straight yet.
I spent over 30 years in the army and daily shaving was the norm (and the rule) now it is just part of my day and I don't give it a second thought. I will agree that a sharp blade is the key thought.
I shave every day, and have for about the past 48 years. Given some of the comments above, I am a little fearful of attributing my success to "superior" anything. All I can say is that I never have any irritation (razor burn) except for the rare occasion when I manage to scrape an area (usually about the size of a pimple) due to too much pressure (or what ever).

I shave with two passes. The first pass is all N/S for my entire face and neck. The second pass is from ear toward nose, meeting at the center of chin for my face, above the jaw line. This is mostly XTG. The below the jaw line pass is all S/N (mainly ATG). This generally results in a BBS neck and DFS cheeks. If I happen to later find an area where it was not shaved as closely as I expected, I do not obsess about it. Tomorrow is another day.

Good products, properly applied, and good technique are 90% of what is needed for a successful shaving experience.
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