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Floid vs. Floid

I get the Spanish locally and like to buy that way. Love the stuff...

Should I try the Italian too or am I good to go?
I've only tried Blue and Vigoroso.
I like the Vig but the Blue is fantastic.
The Vigoroso seems to be more of an acquired 'taste.' While the Blue seems to be universally loved.
My bottle of Genuine is now 4-5 years old. There's still 25% left, but now it smells just like Play Doh. Love the performance but I won't replace it when it's gone. It's not an unpleasant smell, just.....blegh.
I recently got a bottle of Floid Suave from Vintage Scent and a sample of Vigoroso from garry's Sample Shop. Quite different but I like them both. I haven't seen much mention on the Suave, how would that compare in scent and other qualities to the others? I get the Blue love and have to try but, WOW, that stuff is a little pricey! I suppose it will last me years with all the AS I use in rotation so it is probably well worth it.
you know what they say - once you go blue, you never go... oh wait, they never actually say anything like that at all, do they.
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