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Flea Market Find - Steal or Bust?

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if the set of razors I got from my local flea market was a steal or bust. I got the following:

1. Gillette Super Speed (date code Y1)

$2013-01-12 15.15.58.jpg

2. Valet Auto Strop razor (Gold colour)
$2013-01-12 15.15.46.jpg

3. Valet Auto Strop razor (metal colour)
$2013-01-12 15.15.30.jpg
4. Auto Strop case
$2013-01-12 15.16.47.jpg

I got all four items for $25, was it a steal or a bust?
$25 seems like a good deal to me. By the way 'Navy cut' were possibly my favorite cigarette when I was at school. I'd skip a class, head off into town and you could buy a single Navy cut and a match for 10pence at a local Tobbaconist (1980). Ah memories........


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I vote Bust.

valet auto strops are of little to not interest to me and from what i've seen they do not get talked about here.

the SS is nice razor, but looks pretty rough. if it was me, i'd rather put $25 into one good condition SS and leave the others for someone else.

i would have passed if it was me, but everyone has different thoughts and collections, so it may work out well for you.
When I evaluate a group purchases I always ask myself "is there one item in here that is worth the total price" If the answer is no, I will usually walk unless it is something I really really want to have
A bit of a bust but the SS will make a fine razor. It will almost definitely clean up remarkably. The case is cool and closes the gap between bust and deal. Enjoy.
Well, Navy . . . I wouldn't pound too hard on yourself if I were you. A '53 Super Speed, in solid condition, is worth a minimum of $20 any day of the week. I've seen them sell for more on eBay, sometimes in lesser condition! The Gold Autostrop, I believe, goes with that case. If it cleans up well, then that will get you $5. The nickel-plated autostrop is your bonus razor, so you're ok.

We've all had times where we paid a little too much for a given razor or lot. That is just to "even up" the times that we find a cased Fat Boy for $10, or a box of five Techs for $5. (Believe me, you will someday stumble on deals like that!)

Like Tom said above, those AS will only work with the Feather SE blade, since they require cut-outs in the middle of the blade to fit the razor. Certainly well-worth cleaning them up, buying a pack of blades, and giving one of them a try. It is a different experience, and everyone should try an Autostrop at least once in their lives!

Enjoy the shaves!
Considering that I only came across a concrete encrusted black beauty today that I wouldn't even think gasoline would free up what you got is a good find. Congrats.
Bust in the sense that you could have purchased those razors elsewhere for less. However, the $25 netted you three usable razors and a sense of excitement finding something in the wild. So, while I personally have gotten past buying anything and everything that looks like it could be related to shaving, it seems like your excitement makes your buy a STEAL! Enjoy the rush of a local find and get out there for your next score.
I think you did OK. I have 3 Valet Auto Strops that were PIFed to me. 1 uses regular SE blades with the spine removed. I've found the Feather Blades for the other 2 and I use them in my rotation. (There is a thread on this forum that tells you where to buy the blades).They are excellent razors. If you can find a strop for them then bonus. You can get 10-15 shaves without the strop. Wish I had a stop myself just to see how far I could go. I've seen them go for 15.00 on ebay. The Super Speed should clean up and give you some nice shaves too....
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