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Fishing in Indiana

I am in the process of driving back home from a fishing trip in Indiana. Most of the time I fish salt water - but do enjoy eating fresh water fish.

My brother-in-law called and said that blue gills, red ears, crappie, and bass were hitting. Since fishing lately in sunny Florida has been less than stellar, I made the trip with my wife to Indiana.

Our first day was at a farm pond.
$Farm Pond.jpg

We heard that the pond - which consists of about 25 acres in two ponds - was overrun with blue gills. My two brothers-in-law and I spent about four hours fishing with small tiger tails. We nailed about 80 fish consisting of bass, blue gills, some cat fish, and crappie. When we got home we had a fish fry. Great tasting fish.

$First days catch.jpg

The third day we went to the Salem Reservoir. Much to my surprise the fish were a lot smaller than we caught at the farm ponds. However, on my first cast much to my surprise a large carp hit my tiger tail jig. I had four pound test mono and an ultra light rod and reel. I took me 45 minutes to land this one and it weighed in at 18 pounds. I released it and it swam off after some encouragement.

On our final day we returned to the farm pond and caught 12 bass and assorted pan fish. A wonderful trip and I have a cooler filled with some very tasty fish.

$second days catch opt.jpg
Those pictures show what "a mess of fish" looks like!

I need to string up one of the fly rods and go after some bluegills. Perhaps the 3 weight.
Man you were in my neck of the woods. I am about 20 miles from Salem. I used to have a place in Henryville, IN with a nice pond. It was stocked with bass, bluegill, crappie and channel cat. Used to love taking a lazy afternoon and spend it fishing.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Loooks like a great time Jim.

Walter, I used to live in Henryville too. Every weekend I would go to Clark State Forest and fish one of the small lake there.
Reelin' in a mess o bream on those farm ponds is always a good time. Great for when I take he kids along as they always get to take in some fish.
The farm pond was located in Milan, IN. As an Italian-American, I have a hard time pronouncing it My-lin!
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