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First try: Gillette 7o'clock yellow

Last week I ordered up a few different brands, making my own "sampler pack." I got Irridiums, Feathers, Derbys, Gillette 7o'clock Black and Yellows.

I didn't really plan out any strategy to trying them all, and the Gillette Yellows ended up in my razor this morning for a first run. Wow, great first experience. I had 2 day growth and I was hard pressed to know it. I did a 2 1/2 pass shave - WTG, XTG and some cleanup ATG as needed. This is my usual for a weekday morning.

Great results. Much smoother than my Red Pack Personna's which is the "baseline" I'm comparing.

Curious about one thing... why are the corners numbered? Would you get more blade life if you shave with 1/2 facing up then turning the blade over to the 3/4 side after a few shaves?
Yellows are good blades, I use them almost exclusively. The numbers are something used in the manufacturing process, so they will have no significance to you, they can be ignored.
I had my third shave with a 7'oclock yellow today. I'm a big fan of the Super Iridium, and as these are made in the same factory and sell for roughly the same price, there are more similarities than differences. In fact, I'd be shocked if there is any difference other than the coating. My first impression is that they are equally sharp, but the Iridium might be slightly smoother. Once I finish the blade I'll update my findings.
I didn't know that the Iridiums and the Yellows were that similar. Good to know. I'll make those my next test subjects then to see if I can tell the difference.
I didn't know that the Iridiums and the Yellows were that similar. Good to know. I'll make those my next test subjects then to see if I can tell the difference.

I don't find the yellows similar to iridiums. Iridium super is my favorite blade. The Gillette yellow is at the opposite side :scared:
Last week I ordered up a few different brands, making my own "sampler pack." I got Irridiums, Feathers, Derbys, Gillette 7o'clock Black and Yellows.

I didn't really plan out any strategy to trying them all, and the Gillette Yellows ended up in my razor this morning for a first run. Wow, great first experience. I had 2 day growth and I was hard pressed to know it. I did a 2 1/2 pass shave - WTG, XTG and some cleanup ATG as needed. This is my usual for a weekday morning.

Great results. Much smoother than my Red Pack Personna's which is the "baseline" I'm comparing.

Curious about one thing... why are the corners numbered? Would you get more blade life if you shave with 1/2 facing up then turning the blade over to the 3/4 side after a few shaves?

I like the Yellows, Greens and the Blacks but the Greens seem to last the longest so far.
I don't find the yellows similar to iridiums. Iridium super is my favorite blade. The Gillette yellow is at the opposite side :scared:

Weird indeed. I'm with you - the Iridium is God's gift to shaving. However, for me at least, the yellow ain't bad either.
Yellows are good blades, I use them almost exclusively. The numbers are something used in the manufacturing process, so they will have no significance to you, they can be ignored.

I used a Yellow for the first time today and boy-do-you-have-to-be-careful. But they're fine. I don't like wimpy blades that don't do the job. The mark of a quality blade to me is being able to count on all of them to be the same. That's why I like the Personna Prep Blades (medical grade). I figure that they're extra careful to make one just right to be used in hospitals.
I like the Yellows a lot, along with the Gillette Super Thin which seems similar. The Super Iridium is noticeable sharper to me.
I too quite like the yellows. At first I thought they were a little rough on my skin, but that ended up being a technique problem.

Now im settled and can get a very nice, consistent shave out of the Gillette Yellow.
Definitely sharper than personna reds, and a better overall blade than the Astras for me, but YMMV.

Interesting about the Iridiums. I got some here that I must try.
After a week of injectors, if I can experience another great week of shaves from the yellow 7 o'clocks like I did 2 weeks ago, they just might edge out my beloved Shark SC and take over as my goto blade! :wink2:


Among many different blades I've also tried the Gillette Green, Black and Yellow blades with yellow being my favorites. I recently tried feathers and liked them allot but in a run off competition between the Feather and the Gillette SharpEdge Yellow, I think the Gillette yellow is going to win out. That blade just works nicely for me, 3 days worth of shaves and easy to clean up any fourth pass trouble stubble too. My blade pick comes at the end of this week buy the yellows are looking like champs (followed closely by Featers.)
I have the Yellows, and it is a good blade. However, I get better results with the Iridium which I find sharper and smoother. Ditto for the Blacks. Interestingly enough, the Yellows and Blacks are only good for 2 three pass shaves each. The Iridiums are good for three. I tried the Yellow and Black for a third shave, and each time, the quality had dropped way down, felt a lot of tugging and pulling. This was true using the same razor, prep. and beard agents (soap, aftershave, etc.). I plan on getting a nice order of the Iridiums, which I have found to be the best combination of sharpness and smoothness for me. Work great with my 40's superspeed.
I have the Yellows, and it is a good blade. However, I get better results with the Iridium which I find sharper and smoother. Ditto for the Blacks. Interestingly enough, the Yellows and Blacks are only good for 2 three pass shaves each. The Iridiums are good for three. I tried the Yellow and Black for a third shave, and each time, the quality had dropped way down, felt a lot of tugging and pulling. This was true using the same razor, prep. and beard agents (soap, aftershave, etc.). I plan on getting a nice order of the Iridiums, which I have found to be the best combination of sharpness and smoothness for me. Work great with my 40's superspeed.

I like all of the Gillette 7 O'Clock blades. I find that the Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharps last longer than the Super Platinums. I get four six-pass shaves out of the Permasharps compared to three out of the Super Platinums. The Sharp Edge has been a very nice blade so far but the Iridium is next on my list of blades to try.
I like all of the Gillette 7 O'Clock blades. I find that the Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharps last longer than the Super Platinums. I get four six-pass shaves out of the Permasharps compared to three out of the Super Platinums. The Sharp Edge has been a very nice blade so far but the Iridium is next on my list of blades to try.

I tried Irridiums today. I was underwhelmed. As were the Gillette blacks and feathers. I only have Derby left to try in the sampler pack and I still feel compelled to try the 7 o'clock green packs as well.
I need to buy a custom sample blade pack. I have only tried Merkur, Derby and Feather.
I find Merkur blades to be inconsistent. Derby blades are a sure thing. Feather blades are the sharpest and very hight quality; they seem to be thicker than the others and last about three shaves. Merkurs and Derbys last me two shaves max (3 passes); I usually use them once.


Among many different blades I've also tried the Gillette Green, Black and Yellow blades with yellow being my favorites. I recently tried feathers and liked them allot but in a run off competition between the Feather and the Gillette SharpEdge Yellow, I think the Gillette yellow is going to win out. That blade just works nicely for me, 3 days worth of shaves and easy to clean up any fourth pass trouble stubble too. My blade pick comes at the end of this week buy the yellows are looking like champs (followed closely by Featers.)

Surprise Surprise!
Neither the Gillette Yellow nor the Feather won out. The best blade to date I have used is the Iridium Super Stainless which I feel is even sharper then the feather.
Curious about one thing... why are the corners numbered? Would you get more blade life if you shave with 1/2 facing up then turning the blade over to the 3/4 side after a few shaves?

The corners are numbered to identify each side of the 2 edges. It's used for quality control at the factory. To the user, they're meaningless.

As for flipping the blade, consensus seems to be that it doesn't matter. You'll be slowly dulling the edges by the act of shaving regardless of which side is "up".

Hope it helps,
-- Chet
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