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First time with a sharp blade aka Feathers. Great stuff! Thank you Rick Sparks.

Alright, so as I've mentioned in plenty of threads so far, I have very coarse hair. I have a 100 pack of derbys; they were my first blades. Rick Sparks was nice enough to mail me a Feather blade. Usually when going for a 3 pass shave, when I go against the grain, I always have too much tugging and pain when it to the goatee area. I used the Feather though, and it glided all over. When it came to the goat area, it tugged a little, but with a little more force, it sliced right through. Oh, and I use a slant. I need a blade like the Feather. Heh It is a must! Any that are comparable that ain't quite as expensive though?
Personally I like the red packs, they are not as sharp as the feathers but they are only 10$ for 100 and they are , in my opinion, the second best as sharpness goes.
I do not try many blades, but recently I tried a Crystal, which are IP's I believe. It was a little less sharp then a Feather, but really had comfort to it. I felt pretty fearless with it actually, and they have yet to even nick me. They are pretty much half the price if not more then the Feathers. Btw I never liked derby. I always put in a Sharp Stainless before I put in a Derby. Thats just my preference of course.

From what I hear, Dorco's are nice, so are the various Gillette blades out there in different color/country variations. Red pack IP's. Shark. Kai. I am sure I'm missing a whole bunch.
I love feathers now too! They are very smooth for me and cut my beard very well!

Red IPs are great too. Not as sharp as feathers but uber smooth!
As much as I like red IPs and other israelis, they aren't even in the same park as feathers.
Feathers and red Ips are my two main blades, but there's a world of difference there.

Most people who like feathers like Gillette yellow sharp edge, KAIs, Iridium Supers.
None of them are very cheap though, you have to pay for sharpness.
Next sharpest blades would be Kai and the Russian Green 7 o'clocks, IMO. After that, Astras and the the Yellow 7 o'clocks.
Following a tip posted here, I tried corking the Crystals and that made a big difference in their smoothness.
I wouldn't go off and buy 100 of anything though. Buy a 5 or 10 pack and try them first.
Not every blade is good for everybody, as you would have found not liking the duller blades like Derbys. I hate them, you didn't like them as well as quite a few other people, but heaps of others like them for some reason :D.
I find the KAIs sharp, but they don't last as long for me, so it's a false economy if I bought KAIs instead of feathers for me for example.
Go buy a few packs of other blades before commiting to 100 of them.

After I tried them all, I still decided to pay the higher price for feathers, for me they were better and lasted longer than the others so worth the extra money.

edit: you know that goatee area that really needs a tough blade to shave, that area that blunts blades really quick so it makes you want to find cheap blades?
That area is nothing to a GEM :D
You are looking for a feather, but you really want a GEM SE :lol:
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dridiot also stocks yellow Feathers at $30 for 100. PM him for info. I placed an order last week, waiting for them to come in.
dridiot also stocks yellow Feathers at $30 for 100. PM him for info. I placed an order last week, waiting for them to come in.

:ohmy: i didn't look for the yellows. i am gonna take the other guys advice and get a sampler; but when i decide on the feathers :p i will make sure to remember that.
I am currently revisiting feather blades. I have not used them in 2 years and found a couple of packs in my drawer. I used to use them in my slant and Vision before I sold them. I am using a Trumpers razor.

The first shave was a bit rough. I shaved too closely. I used it like I was using a Dorco or Personna. I had a few weepers in my neck line. The second day, I adjusted my technique and did not apply pressure. I got a better shave.

I will use the blade for the rest of the week and decide if I like them or not.
I've been using Feathers for quite awhile but recently discovered Astras Superior Platinums. I find them to be very sharp and not as irritating the first shave. I just paid $15 + shipping (there were other things in my order) for 100 blades. I'll keep Feathers in the rotation but I think the Astras are going to be my go to blade for now.
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