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I have always shaved with either a disposable or cartridge razor using creams or gels. Recently I started almost exclusively using a brush and mug. I have been looking at some new DE models, but yesterday I found this Gem at a local antique store for under $10. My local CVS only carries scraper blades so I will have to order some or wait till I pass by a Walgreen's. Any suugestions on the best way to get all crevices clean? Steam? Soap and an old toothbrush? Use?


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Also, there were some old unused Goldtone single edge blades at the same shop, but they did not appear to fit this type razor. Maybe I just didn't get it. They seemed shaped slighlty different than a standard looking single edge blade. Anyone know of these?
Oooh, a nice little G-bar.

I used Scrubbing bubbles, soap and a toothbrush on mine.

I didn't know CVS carried scraper blades - they usually have SE blade 10-packs in the shaving section.
Good luck!
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