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First Three weeks of being a "REAL Shaver"

Good evening, and/or, morning gents,

I have officially been "wet-shaving" for three weeks now!!!!:thumbup: This post is just some gathered thoughts, questions, and experiences, documenting my journey into RAD. So first and foremost, I must say that I never nick myself nor get irritation which is AWESOME. I can finally shave comfortably for a change, I have never experienced a level of interest in shaving and being clean shaven that I do now. Actually being able to shave often has been a major improvement for me.

I have tried some very good creams, the three I like the most are the Art of Shaving Lemon and sandalwood lines, and the GFT coconut paired with the lime skin food, still need to try Castle Forbes and soaps. I have a ton of razors I want to try and am now in the process of researching before I start randomly buying ever razor that I see. LOL:w00t:

As far as razor blades are concerned this is where I have the most mixed feelings. I have yet to find anything but the DERBY and MERKUR blades that I have to give me a shave more than once comfortably. In fact I tried a feather today, which in all honesty I had really built up into some God like blade in my mind, I found myself extremely disappointed. I got the worst shave i have had for three weeks with the feather. No irritation, no cuts, and not bbs either, I just couldn't get that blade to work for me it WOULD NOT remove my stubble. Maybe it's my Muhle R89 Grande? Anyways I am trying Gillette platinums tomorrow will post an update...

Last is a question, How do you guys get rid of the "Homer Simpson Shadow". No matter what i get BBS where you can't feel any stubble, but i always have this dark shadow i never got that with the fusion and I have a thick coarse heavy beard. Maybe a slant would solve this problem?

Thanks B&B, for all the advice and help for the last three weeks and to the next three.:thumbup1:
Great to hear you're on board with the DE thing! Fun, right?

Re: the Feathers, all I can say is it might be good to stick with them for a week or more instead of switching everything around. Sometimes the first shave with a new Feather is a bit touchy for me but usually not and rarely after that first one. I love 'em.

Re: the shadow, that's a strange one. So you get BBS with a Fusion and a DE but the DE shave leaves a shadow and the Fusion doesn't? In other words, if you used a Fusion on one side of your face and a DE on the other and worked them both to BBS, only the DE side would have a shadow?? Can't figure that one...
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Three weeks in is pretty new. If a blade doesn't work for you set it aside. Try one again in a few weeks or months. Your technique is going to get much better in that time and when you try it again you may get a very different result.

The shadow, yeah. I noticed the same thing and there was a thread recently that made it clear why. It had some electron microscope pics of cut hairs from an electric razor and a DE. The ends of the hairs cut by an electric razor were ragged and torn up. There was no clear edge to them. Viewed with the naked eye that would diffuse light and be difficult to discern, be less noticeable. The hairs cut with a DE were cleanly sliced. Viewed with the naked eye these would be very tiny ovals with perfectly defined edges, very noticeable when seeing a dark hair against light skin.

The irony of a smoother face but more noticeable shadow. A little talcum powder an help soften the appearance.

Hey Link and welcome!

I've had zero luck finding blades in the wild. I would consider ordering some Personna ip reds or labs. Went back last week to give feathers a second run (tried them very early on and couldn't stand them) and had about the same experience....close but uncomfortable shaves and the blade deteriorated quickly. Labs I get twice as many shaves out of, are comparable in sharpness and get dfs/bbs consistently.

Anyway...pick a new blade and stick with the same one for awhile and enjoy the ride!
Sounds like you have a good start but you have a ways to go as far as getting what you are after.

You need to work on your shaving technique until it requires no thought.

When shaving try to use short rapid motions, not long slow ones. You want to cut your beard not mow it down. Apply only enough pressure on the razor to keep it in contact with your face. Let the weight of the razor do the cutting.

Try to lock your wrist and elbow and move the entire arm that is holding the razor from the shoulder. This will help you keep a consistent blade angle as the entire razor will move in one plain since you are not adding several additional movements with your wrist and elbow.

Do not "flick your wrist" as the blade angle will swing wildly through your "flick".

This may seem awkward at first but after 6 months to a year of concentrating on this technique it will become natural and not require any thinking.

To get a closer shave, you should use your off (free) hand and stretch your skin in the area you are shaving.

Grab your skin at the base of your side burns and pull up for your back cheek area and puff air into your cheeks for shaving around the front of your cheeks.

Grab your throat with the flat of your hand below your lather an pull down for your neck and throat, moving your hand around as you shave to stay below your razor.

Grab your cheeks and pull back to stretch your chin.

You do not need to keep your skin tight as a snare drum, just keep it taught

You can make silly faces to help stretch areas that are hard to reach

If you find you have a difficult time holding where you have lathered, rubbing your fingers on an alum block will give them enough grip to hold on to a wet or lathered area

This will help your razor glide over your skin instead of bunching it up in front of the blade as you move it and you will get a closer shave

Practice stretching a short while after shaving. Pull your face in one direction. use your other hand and move it away from then toward your stretching hand to feel your beard. You want to pull in a direction where your beard will stand up the most.
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