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First Thoughts on Weber Stainless

Due to some unforeseen circumstances (RAD), I recently acquired a Weber stainless razor with the standard bulldog handle off of BST. I had read so many good things about these razors that I just had to try one, if I could get my hands on one. When it first arrived, I took it out of the box and noticed it has some serious heft to the handle. I like heavier razors, so this was really intriguing to me. I knew I just HAD to try it for my next shave.

So, the next morning, I dropped in a new Feather blade, grabbed some cream and had at it...

I must say, this razor was very nice! The shave was very smooth. The weight of the handle was nice. And since the head of the razor was so light, it made it pretty nimble as I maneuvered it around my face. The knurling on the handle was also well-defined, so I had really good grip on the razor the entire time.

I've heard the Weber razors described as "efficient". I would have to agree. It does have a fair amount of blade exposure, which makes it a bit more aggressive. But it's very smooth. So, rather than call it aggressive, I would rather say it's efficient. In fact, I would dare to say it rivals the efficiency of my Merkur 37G slant!

Speaking of comparison versus the slant, I have a side thought about the Weber. One thing that has bothered me about the slant is that the blade exposure varies from one end of the razor head to the other. This means that one side makes it easier to cut myself when I'm shaving than the other. Since the Weber has uniform blade exposure, I don't have to worry about that problem anymore.

All-in-all, if you like slants, I would highly recommend that you try the Weber. Yes, it's a little bit expensive, but not compared to some of the other high-end stainless or rare vintage razors floating around. I loved my slant, but I think the Weber now has the top spot in my collection. (If a half-dozen DE's can really be called a "collection"...) I don't think I'll ever sell it!

(Note: Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of the Weber. If someone wants, I can post pics this weekend.)
I have never found the blade exposure on the 37C slant influences whether I would cut myself easier or not in actual usage. I think it is more dependant on angle and pressure used that would influence whether you would get more cuts or not with any razor.

In any case, congrats on the Weber stainless! It, like the Merkur 37C is a very fine razor that should give you some great shaves. Another good way to test it out would be on a multi day growth beard, one thing the 37C excels at. I suspect the Weber would not fall short in that category either. But it would be interesting to compare. If you can, and feel like doing such a comparison do let us know. I for one would be very interested.
Nice review, the Weber is definitely a great stainless steal razor at a fraction of the cost the others are demanding, it shaves just as well too! I agree that it feels aggressive but should be referred to as efficient, it doesn't feel like its about to bite you at any moment, the Weber bulldog handle is quite nice as well.
Congratulations and if you can find a Weber DLC, you should pick one up. They are, in my opinion, the smoothest DE there is!
I too have a Weber polished stainless and it is my favorite thus far. Efficient is the word I would use too, but definitely smooth. It just flat out gets the job done and does so with very little irritation or weepers, even with my sometimes sloppy technique :biggrin1:
I have never found the blade exposure on the 37C slant influences whether I would cut myself easier or not in actual usage. I think it is more dependant on angle and pressure used that would influence whether you would get more cuts or not with any razor.

For some reason, this is only an issue around the very corners of the head of the razor. In particular, it's an issue for me when shaving my upper lip, as that's a pretty sensitive spot at the corners of my mouth. Because there's more blade exposure on one side than the other, I've noticed that it's easier on the side with less blade exposure (the right side of my lip) and more prone to razor burn or taking skin off on the side with more blade exposure (the left side of my lip). And perhaps it's just technique, too. But that's just what I've tended to notice. The 37G also tends to bite my neck, especially in the concave area on my right side. No idea why, but that's a particularly difficult area for any razor I own.

In any case, congrats on the Weber stainless! It, like the Merkur 37C is a very fine razor that should give you some great shaves. Another good way to test it out would be on a multi day growth beard, one thing the 37C excels at. I suspect the Weber would not fall short in that category either. But it would be interesting to compare. If you can, and feel like doing such a comparison do let us know. I for one would be very interested.

That would be an interesting comparison. Perhaps I'll give that a try this weekend. I'm out of town on business this week, so I don't have either my 37G or the Weber. Plus I really do need to shave to be presentable to customers. But I'd like to give a side-by-side comparison a try. Nice suggestion! If I can remember to do this, I'll post the results.
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Ah, you have the 37G! Indeed you mentioned this in your original post and I overlooked it. You are one of the lucky few then indeed. Those 37Gs are in pretty high demand since they are no longer made. Congrats!
Admittedly, it is one of the "blemished" razors that were available for a short while. Though I don't really see any issues that I could label a "blemish" on it. :001_smile
I must agree. The Weber is a good shaver and All Stainlness Steel for $70.00 isnt a bad deal at all, but for me the H-1 From Above the Tie with a Weber BullDog handle takes the cake :eek:) Out of all the Razors i have Tried.
I love the Weber Polished -- and did not like the Merkur 37c at all. In terms of closeness/efficiency and comfort, for me there was no comparison. It does seem the stainless razors have to be handled a bit differently to prevent blade rust, though.
Thanks for your review and glad that you are enjoying the Weber. I love mine. I always get incredible face & head shaves with mine. Matter of fact... I'm going to use mine for this afternoon's SOTD.:thumbup:

I will probably buy a Weber as my next DE investment, but which handle? I have read great comments about the Bulldog, but the Classic is a bit heavier, and the Wave is unique.

Please help me decide.
I will probably buy a Weber as my next DE investment, but which handle? I have read great comments about the Bulldog, but the Classic is a bit heavier, and the Wave is unique.

Please help me decide.
I love both versions of the classic, can't go wrong with the classic. But if your hands are on the smaller side I'd suggest leaning towards the wave or bulldog. I'd say if you ever think you'll sell it go bulldog, has better resale value imo right now.
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I have all three handles, love them all. Bulldog most in a close comparison. I believe the Classic and Bulldog are the same weight in fact, the Wave being 0.2oz lighter.
I will probably buy a Weber as my next DE investment, but which handle? I have read great comments about the Bulldog, but the Classic is a bit heavier, and the Wave is unique.

Please help me decide.

This is really a personal preference thing, I prefer shorter handles so I have the bulldog and wave versions. I really like them both.
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