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First Straight Shave.

Well today my straight came in. (bought from the Hobbyist Classifieds). So I watched a few videos on youtube again. Then the rest starts the shave.

Prep: Shower and all the fun stuff
Brush: Omega Synthetic Badger Brush
Cream: TOBS Lavender
Weapon of choice:Geneva 23 Diamond
AS: Old Spice

How the shave went is ummmmm....... Different First I had a very hard time getting the upper lip area and around the lower lip. Then I had some issues trying to figure out how to do an ATG on my neck and chin area. The XTG was a very weird shave for me. I remembered all that I read here and took my time not to get frustrated. I slowly chugged on with the shave taking my time to make sure I hit every spot. I had to finish up my lip area with my Fatboy because I just couldn't get it all after 3 passes. I did nick my self in ~4 places and the only bad one was on the lip but it was a mistake I felt it right after it happened. Also I have a little razor burn but I bet that will stop with time.

All in all It was still an amazing shave It felt weird to do but its an experience. Lets see how the next few shaves go.
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You are quite brave to try XTG and ATG all at the same time the first shave!! I guess I was the same though when I started so I shouldn't criticize you too much. People like us pay for our impatience to learn in blood... :) It is generally recommended to only do your cheeks until you get the hang of it but hey, if you're feeling brave, who am I to tell you otherwise! The goatee area is always the hardest for everyone to nail down. Watch your angles to minimize burn. Keep the spine 1 to 2 spine widths away from your face, no more. Resist the urge to angle the razor higher to a steeper angle. To minimize cuts, stretch the skin and keep it flat wherever you are doing strokes. Stretch even when you don't think you need to. Puff out your cheeks when you are doing that area. Take it slow, don't rush and you'll be fine.

Anyhow, welcome to the world of straight razors! Enjoy your shaves and don't worry, improvements will come. Just read as much as you can and watch some good shave videos. Keep us posted as to your progress.
Welcome and congrats. Sounds like you're on your way. Keep at it and the results will improve as you gain experience and confidence.

Keep us posted as you progress and dont be shy as questions come up.
Prep: Shower and all the fun stuff
Brush: Badger brush I got when I started (No idea of name came from a basic soap kit and bowl)
Cream: TOBS Taylor
Weapon of choice:Geneva 23 Diamond
AS: Old Spice

Today I decided to take it slow and work on angles and how to hold the razor more. So I just did my cheeks and jaw area. I did 2 passes. WTG and XTG. No cuts this time It took me a while. But It was very smooth when I Finished. I then Finished the rest of my face with my old trusty FatBoy and a Gillette 7 0'Clock yellow. All in all great shave can't wait to do it again.

The one question I have is do people use Straights as a Daily shaver? I'm required to shave daily and I was wondering if a straight could cut it for daily use. Also when looking for a 2nd Straight since I know that I will probably need to send mine out to get sharpened since I'm will gonna dull the edge what should I get ?
Hey wiskibubbles. Wow great couple of first shaves. I just recently started trying ATG, and XTG. For me XTG has been the most unnatural stroke with a SR, and the only place I have been able to do the XTG is on my cheeks, but lately it has gotten better.

As for daily shaving, I think "most" in this part of the forum use it as their daily shaving - me included so far. The reason I have been doing it daily is, first and foremost, so that I become comfortable with using a SR. As you noted, it added time to my shaving routine, and I wasn't willing to wake up an extra hour+ to shave in the morning (I have to get up early enough as it is), so I decided to move my shaving to late in the evening. It allows me to take my time and really concentrate, most of the time (2 little ones try to battle that), and focus on the shave.
Started may 19th. Every morning since then except one day when I worked over night and was so exhausted when I got home I went to bed and waited til the next day. I think that puts me at 98 straight razor shaves.

edit: nope, counted. Today was 99.
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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I shave every day with a straight. I recommend ONLY doing TWO WTG PASSES your first 10 to 20 shaves. Master the WTG before moving on. You may find that WTG is all you need, with a good second pass. And it will never irritate you. Try it and see.

Congratulations, by the way! And welcome to the elite league of extraordinary manly shavers.
I generally shave once ever two days. My beard is slow enough growing that I can do that and the hair isn't dark so not quite so noticeable even though the hairs themselves are pretty coarse. Also, I find that with Straights my shaves do last longer. When I do shave though, I shave at night and do WTG, XTG, ATG. Occaisonally I might go just WTG and then ATG if I am running short on time.
That Genco will absolutely shave your face beautifully every day, if it's honed properly and when you "get your shave down." Welcome, sounds like you're off to a great start.
Prep: Shower and all the fun stuff
Brush: Badger brush I got when I started (No idea of name came from a basic soap kit and bowl)
Cream: TOBS Taylor
Weapon of choice:Geneva 23 Diamond
AS: Old Spice

Today I decided to take it slow and work on angles and how to hold the razor more. So I just did my cheeks and jaw area. I did 1 pass WTG. No cuts took less time then before. I was gonna do 2 pass but my hands were a bit shaky and I was not really in the mood to do it. The small amount of anger brewing up from other things in life. I decided it was better not to show up to work with a slash in my face if I cut myself because of being fast and angry But It was very smooth when I Finished. I then Finished the rest of my face with my old trusty FatBoy and a Gillette 7 0'Clock yellow. All in all great shave can't wait to do it again.
Very sensible way to do it. Modify your approach based on your frame of mind. If you are angry and trying to do it fast, some might argue it is better not to even attempt a shave with a straight especially when you are just learning. But you did well so kudos to you! I hope things improve for you. I know your shaves will, in time.
Prep: Shower and all the fun stuff
Brush: Badger brush I got when I started (No idea of name came from a basic soap kit and bowl)
Cream: TOBS Coconut
Weapon of choice:Geneva 23 Diamond
AS: Old Spice
Stropping: 30 times on leather Very slowly so I didn't roll the edge.

Today I decided I'd do 2 passes WTG on all areas of my face that I could. Which ended up being all by my chin/lip area. It went smoothly with only one nick. and that was it. there is a fair amount of irritation on my face but I'm assuming that's from still learning how to hold the blade properly and angels and stuff. Other than that great shave finished up with my normal razor around my lip and chin.
Prep: Shower and all the fun stuff
Brush: Badger brush I got when I started (No idea of name came from a basic soap kit and bowl)
Cream: TOBS coulden't read the lable on the sample
Weapon of choice:Geneva 23 Pyramid
AS: Old Spice
Stropping: 25 times on leather Very slowly so I didn't roll the edge.

So i missed posting a straight shave or 2 in here because of work and stuff. But I think I'm finally getting the hang of most of it. I'm having few issues getting around my chin and lip still so I don't try to hard there. What I decided to is just go as far as I can with a straight. and finish with a DE. This time I made it to the inner parts of the chin with out much effort. 2 Passes WTG still and just kept trucking. Can't wait until I can get it all

I haven't given up I just Forget to post quite often. I actually like it more and more

Prep: Shower and Everyman Jacks pre shave (found it at wallyworld and it worked smells good)

Brush: Badger brush I got when I started (No idea of name came from a basic soap kit and bowl)
Cream: TOBS couldn't read the label on the sample
Weapon of choice: I'm guessing this is a Solingen (No true Idea bought it from gamma)
AS: Old Spice and some Aloe Vera just to smooth everything out.
Stropping: 25 times on leather Very slowly so I didn't roll the edge.

This shave was amazing. I again got a lot of the facial area that I was having problems with before. I got my chin, and the lip areas. Not perfect but enough where I was actually extremely happy. Still working on the BBS shave but its only been ~15 shaves total( I forget to post a lot. because I'm normally shaving before work or right before I crash for the night). I also have started to notice right before I'm about to cut my self and stop. Which is nice for me.

The only question I have is I hear a lot of people shave at night before work. but all day today I was getting asked if I shaved. started at about 9am this morning less then 10 hours between the shave the night before. Does it depend on the person or with time will it not grown in faster once I get smoother and smoother shaves and my face gets used to it. Today I decided Ill straight shave at night and then re shave before I hit the gym in the morning with a DE. I still don't have the gonads to bring my straight to the gym to shave with me. One out of time and 2 because of the set up and space I need.
Great progress! It took me about 90 shaves to get close comfortable shaves. The shaves will get closer and longer lasting over time.

I don't do XTG as much. Some DE lessons don't apply for straights for me. Now it's WTG, ATG, ATG including touchups. The chin and upper lip are challenging and are the only spots I do XTG or an extra ATG pass on those areas.
Your doing well.
To be true the late evening shave will result in growth overnight if your a true Bluebeard! ( 5 o clock shadow by mid morning!)
i tend to shave about 9pm after a shower and generally the next day is acceptable.
You might want to try the Bluebeards revenge range of products; it says it contains a formula to reduce beard growth over time with regular usage. I'm not sure if it works but it does give a great shave regardless. Do some research and see what you think.
if it does work it might be a way of getting that late evening shave to last for the next day.
as for the gym...consider a shavette. No need to strop or hone. Just new blade and shave. Feasibly you could cut your kit down to a portable version for the gym.
I cannot agree more with Slash McCoy, WTG in two passes may be all you need when you shave everyday and the straight razor has the blade in proper conditions. Just think that shaving may have something to do with combing hair. Though especially girls may get their hair to stand in impossible shapes, comfort and aesthetics in male hair has been very much in line with natural aligning of hair (Forget about Rod Stewart....). When you shave WTG you remove hair, clean the superficial layer of the skin and comb underlying hair. It is the way to keep a young face for longer.
Prep: Shower and Everyman Jacks pre shave (found it at wallyworld and it worked smells good)
Brush: Omega Synthetic Brush
Cream: TOBS Lavander
Weapon of choice: I'm guessing this is a Solingen (No true Idea bought it from gamma)
AS: Bay Rum
Stropping: 25 times on leather

Today was the 2nd or 3rd time I was able to shave again after butchering my face with a shavette... A story I will just laugh about to my self.. So Since I got put back on the o-Damn early shift at work again I was just de shaving unless I decided to go to bed super early/or shave the night before. but today I have to say I guess all the reading/videos and Times throwing blades to face Got it so I got a Near BBS Shave. Minus my Chin and a small spot on my jaw line which just grows in an odd direction. I have to say you guys are awesome and thanks for all the advice and guidance. As well maybe I should Remember to post more often. Also I guess its time I either learn to hone or send off 2 of my razors and one of the new ones I just picked up.
Prep: Shower and Everyman Jacks pre shave (found it at wallyworld and it worked smells good)
Brush: Omega Synthetic Brush
Cream: TOBS Lavander
Weapon of choice: Geneva Pyrmid 27
AS: Bay Rum
Stropping: 30 times on leather

Shave was not great.... The razor defiantly to dull to get a nice close shave Like I'm used to. Though I would assume that would be the case with it being my first straight I bought/used/stropped. The edge looks like its in good condition but It left a lot of hair behind and was rough on my neck area. Something I learnt from DE shaving and hoping it crosses over. When I use a dull blade or something not super sharp (Basically I'm stuck to Feathers/Derby and The Gillette's Greens(Russian)) I get a slight razor burn on on my neck and it looks pretty bad. So I since some of my face was done and I really didn't want to clean up completely and start again with another straight I just grabbed my Fatboy and finished it.
I guess today I learned what a dulling blade feels like. As well to check them some more. One thing I don't get is this popping Hair Test. How does that tell me my razor is still sharp and what not?
Popping hairs and the hanging hair test (hht) are just tests to help find a guide level of sharpness. Popping hairs means you can gently touch hairs on your arm/leg and they will "pop" when cut...there isn't much or any need to move the razor through the hairs in a shaving motion...you can just apply a little pressure and "pop" hairs off your arm.
the HHT is the same...grab a DE blade and do the hht on it! Then try it on your straight. That's the difference! I can hone/strop my straights to just about hht my missus' hairs, which is long and fine and very well conditioned...they will hht her hair maybe one in ten tries. But I can happily shave with them no problems!
They are both just guide tests. See how easily a new De can pop hairs on your arm or do the hht test, then try your straights.
You'll soon understand how to judge sharpness.
and yes a blunt edge will give you razor burn faster than poor shaving technique!
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