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First shave with Tabac tomorrow morning!

My sister got me a tub of Tabac for my birthday. It arrived in the mail this morning, so tomorrow will be my first shave with it. I'm very excited and quite hopeful, since I'm one of the people who don't care for MWF. The smell isn't the greatest in the world up close, but from an arm's length away it is quite nice. Here's hoping the quality is as good as I've read. I'll post results tomorrow morning!
I want to tell something that is only loosely related to this thread. I used Tabac today and I remembered that someone made a thread about tasting lather. So I tasted some Tabac lather and was quite surprised how it tasted: mostly neutral, a bit sweet, nothing like normal hand soap.
I like MWF but I love Tabac. I still remember receiving my jar and like you, giving it that first sniff and wondering to myself if I could get past the scent. Then I used it..... Woah! The lather! It became easy to understand why this soap was always talked about. Fortunately for me I grew to love the scent. I also now own the AS and the EdC. Its a fantastic soap and has never once let me down. There's good reason why this stuff has been around for 50+ years.
I shaved with Tabac last night and followed it up with their splash and balm. It is easily on of my favorite soaps and, unlike MWF, you don't have to go through contortions and tricks to get it to lather. It's as simple as loading the brush and taking the brush straight to the face. One of the easiest lathering soaps I have. Awesome shave also.
Wow. Wow wow wow. By Grabthar's hammer, no wonder this soap is a top-tier performer! When I first opened it last night I wasn't crazy about how powerful the smell was, but boy howdy did it mellow when built into a lather! It smelled slightly spicy, not as spicy as OS, but still in that vein. Considering how thick the lather was, close to homemade whipped cream, it was amazingly slick. I did cut myself on a birthmark on my upper lip, but I do that occasionally. I followed it up with RR R160, a tactically brilliant move that Sun Tzu would have applauded.

Several hours later my face still feels awesome. It will be hard for me to not make this the One Soap to Rule Them All.

As a huge fan of the Fat, this sets awfully high expectations for when I go "Tabac [shopping] crazy" in Germany next month. Funny thing is, over there they view it like people view Old Spice here. :blink:

Oh boy. I may have to talk to a friend of mine who lives in Germany.
Yes, Tabac is a very good soap. But in summer the scent is too intensive for me. It´s my autumn and winter soap.
I also think it is one of the better soaps. It is at the same level of MWF and the smell is more powerful. I like it better because of the scent.
Which btw is very, very old school. Last time I had a whiff of that was in the 80's and it sure did brought me back in time.
Yes, Tabac is a very good soap. But in summer the scent is too intensive for me. It´s my autumn and winter soap.

I certainly don't reach for it when its 118 out like it was today. It still sees use in the summer but not nearly as frequent as it does in the winter.
Used it again today. After trying a few other samples, this is the one I'm going to buy full-size (over mwf, mikes, cella). Love the smell and the lather. Had my best shave yet this morning using it. May eventually get a tin of mikes--they do smell good.
I bought mine in Germany last week and always thought the scent was too much. Here again: I wanted to try it and I also realized that once built into the great lather, the smell is good, a lot less strong than in the puck. Something I like. I think it even fits the very hot humid weather, in a kind of middle eastern spice market way. Good stuff.
I only have a sample from Gary's but I love it and will definitely buy some when my sample runs out. Actually, I've been obsessed with Tabac's former sibling Irisch Moos for the last two weeks after picking up a stick at Pasteur's. The lather from either of these two soaps is just unbeatable.
Wow. Wow wow wow. By Grabthar's hammer, no wonder this soap is a top-tier performer! When I first opened it last night I wasn't crazy about how powerful the smell was, but boy howdy did it mellow when built into a lather! ... Considering how thick the lather was, close to homemade whipped cream, it was amazingly slick. I did cut myself on a birthmark on my upper lip, but I do that occasionally... Several hours later my face still feels awesome. It will be hard for me to not make this the One Soap to Rule Them All...

This soap was gifted to me by my paternal Grandfather @17y/o and was the only shave lather I used until 2011. I had fallen in love with the scent at the age of 5, watching my grandfather straight shave, finishing with the Tabac A/S splash. Tabac loves water and I use a wetter lather than with most of my other lathering products, it gets much slicker.

I found the internet in 2011, tried other soaps & creams and kept going back to Tabac, one day in 2012, I discovered Panna Crema, a croap that lathered and shaved as well as my beloved Tabac. I keep Tabac, puck & stick, with some Pre De Provence and Palmolive as my hard/firm soaps, Panna Crema & QCS are my croaps, and Nivea for men and La Toja Sensitive SC rounding out my software repertoire.

Yes, Tabac is a very good soap. But in summer the scent is too intensive for me. It´s my autumn and winter soap.

When I exclusively used Tabac I never thought about the scent, funny how owning so many products cause you to perceive things differently.
Up until now, I must have tried around a dozen and a half soaps and I have found none that beat it yet. For me it is the volkswagen of soaps, not necessarily every one favourite in terms of scent but very realiable and with fantastic mileage. If you want your lather nice and thick but still slick, get yourself the shave stick and feed it lots of water.
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