Today was my first chance to shave my head with my new Merkur 39c slant razor. [Side note--why is it that you always get shaving supplies in the mail right after you've shaved for the day
.] I loaded it up with a fresh Astra SP blade, and used my Razorock Boston Tea Party. Now, I know from my woodworking experience that chisels used at an angle (or a skew chisel) provides a smoother cutting experience. The result with the slant razor was very similar. It's not magic, and it won't automatically mean a fantastic shave. I still need to fine tune my lathering skills, but doing absolutely nothing different than I normally do (inconsistent lather and all), it was definitely a smoother shave. Less irritation in my trouble spots, and fewer touch up passes for imperfect spots. This is the heaviest razor I've used so far, but it didn't bother me at all. I never felt in danger, or that I was moments away from slicing an ear off. Just take the same care you do with any other DE razor, and you'll definitely appreciate the results.