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First shave with a new blade

I have found that the first shave with a new blade is a bit rough. It does not seem to matter what brand of blades I am using. Now I am a newbie so maybe it is just my technique but it seems that the second and third shave with a blade are much smoother and close than the first. I have used Sharks, Red pack Personnas, Derbys, and hospital grade Personnas and the experience has been the same each time. What I am wondering is if this is normal or am I doing something wrong?
It can be normal depending on the blade you use. Some veterans around here will "cork" their blades before first use to remove any microscopic burrs that might be on the blade. Others say this does nothing but dull the blade unnecessarily. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

The process is just as it sounds. Take a piece of cork and run your blade edge over it. You shouldn't have to press hard and cut through the cork, just light pressure. The burrs (if they are there) are microscopic after all.

Good luck!
It can be normal depending on the blade you use. Some veterans around here will "cork" their blades before first use to remove any microscopic burrs that might be on the blade. Others say this does nothing but dull the blade unnecessarily. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

The process is just as it sounds. Take a piece of cork and run your blade edge over it. You shouldn't have to press hard and cut through the cork, just light pressure. The burrs (if they are there) are microscopic after all.

Good luck!

Another option is to "hand strop" your blade before using it for the first time. I have found that on some blades (the new Derbys that everyone else seems to hate, for instance) hand stropping them for 8-10 times a side will take much of the "bite" out of them and let them shave quite nicely.:thumbup1:

I'm not nearly computer literate enough to get a link to it here, but if you surf on over to YouTube and input "hand strop razor blade" into the search function, I'm sure it will pop right up.
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