First of all, these things are deserving of their ultra-sharp reputation! 
I used my first one on my Sunday shave this weekend, and still got a couple of tiny nicks even though I was being very careful and had the fat boy dialed back to a 5 for my WTG passes and a 3 for my XTG/ATG. Not bad nicks, mind you, just a couple of pinpoint spots of blood. That said, I got a really, really good shave from them with just a touch of irritation on my neck.
For background, I've been at this for a bit over a month now I guess and have thus far used blades from Derby, Shark and Personna (Reds) with never more than 1 small nick per shave (generally right on the ol' adam's apple area). I have run settings as high as 7 on the fat boy for WTG passes with no problems.
It was a learning experience and I learned 2 things: 1. I am not very good at face lathering with Mama Bear's soap, which may have led to both the nicks and irritation mentioned above (more so than the blade, possibly), and 2. Shaving with a blade with the reputation of a Feather encourages very, very close attention to blade angle, and taught me that mine may have been lacking in the past.
All of that said, these things are good!
I still need to try out the Astras that I've got, but I am slowly narrowing the field of blades from my initial sampler pack. I think that these could work well for me with a better lather and more conservative setting on the razor (at least until my technique improves). I'm anxious to try them out in a couple of different razors as well.
- Steve

I used my first one on my Sunday shave this weekend, and still got a couple of tiny nicks even though I was being very careful and had the fat boy dialed back to a 5 for my WTG passes and a 3 for my XTG/ATG. Not bad nicks, mind you, just a couple of pinpoint spots of blood. That said, I got a really, really good shave from them with just a touch of irritation on my neck.
For background, I've been at this for a bit over a month now I guess and have thus far used blades from Derby, Shark and Personna (Reds) with never more than 1 small nick per shave (generally right on the ol' adam's apple area). I have run settings as high as 7 on the fat boy for WTG passes with no problems.
It was a learning experience and I learned 2 things: 1. I am not very good at face lathering with Mama Bear's soap, which may have led to both the nicks and irritation mentioned above (more so than the blade, possibly), and 2. Shaving with a blade with the reputation of a Feather encourages very, very close attention to blade angle, and taught me that mine may have been lacking in the past.
All of that said, these things are good!

- Steve