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First Shave with a Feather Blade

First of all, these things are deserving of their ultra-sharp reputation! :blink:

I used my first one on my Sunday shave this weekend, and still got a couple of tiny nicks even though I was being very careful and had the fat boy dialed back to a 5 for my WTG passes and a 3 for my XTG/ATG. Not bad nicks, mind you, just a couple of pinpoint spots of blood. That said, I got a really, really good shave from them with just a touch of irritation on my neck.

For background, I've been at this for a bit over a month now I guess and have thus far used blades from Derby, Shark and Personna (Reds) with never more than 1 small nick per shave (generally right on the ol' adam's apple area). I have run settings as high as 7 on the fat boy for WTG passes with no problems.

It was a learning experience and I learned 2 things: 1. I am not very good at face lathering with Mama Bear's soap, which may have led to both the nicks and irritation mentioned above (more so than the blade, possibly), and 2. Shaving with a blade with the reputation of a Feather encourages very, very close attention to blade angle, and taught me that mine may have been lacking in the past.

All of that said, these things are good! :thumbup1: I still need to try out the Astras that I've got, but I am slowly narrowing the field of blades from my initial sampler pack. I think that these could work well for me with a better lather and more conservative setting on the razor (at least until my technique improves). I'm anxious to try them out in a couple of different razors as well.

- Steve :001_cool:
For some reason I always seem to get a perfect, nick-free shave with a brand new Feather. however, the second, third and subsequent times I always get some sort of nick... go Figure!
In my past experience, Feathers were great but it seemed as if they lost their edge a bit quicker than some of the other blades I used to use.
For some reason I always seem to get a perfect, nick-free shave with a brand new Feather. however, the second, third and subsequent times I always get some sort of nick... go Figure!

+1. The single best shave I have ever gotten was with a fresh Feather. However, they do go downhill fast. I now prefer the Super Iridium which shaves almost as effortlessly, but with much less drama, and it lasts 6-7 shaves to boot.
Feather's are sharp but they degrade in sharpness in relative terms and not in absolute terms. There is a greater noticeable difference between a new Feather and a well used Feather when compared to other blade bands. However, even a lightly used Feather is still sharper in comparison to other blades, even when the other brand is new. However, the drop-off can be enough to make a significant perceptible difference to the user.
I almost gave up on Feathers until one day on a whim I tried one of them in a Schick Krona rather than a Superspeed or Tech. It made all the difference. If you don't like them in one razor, try another.
I put in a new Feather this morning and the shave was smooth and effortless. It is my favorite blade out of the ones I've tried.
You are correct about the lather playing a big part in wet shaving. If you can, try a tub of Taylor of Old Bond Street. Just the tip of my wet brush with a swirl or two and I am ready for face lathering. It has a very thick cushion. It's a fovorite of many here.
Feathers IMHO are the sharpest blade available today...but as mentioned previously they deteriorate very quickly. The very different than the first shave...that is the reason why I usually only shave once with a Feather blade.
I'm not too keen on feathers. Sure they are sharp, but I don't think they are very smooth. I get much better shaves from Iridiums, Shark SS, and Red IPs. YMMV
Been shaving with a DE for 2 months now so my opinion is less informed than most.. I waited to try a feather for the first month and only used Bic Chrome Platinum blades. The morning I switched to a Feather was the best shave I had ever had. My expectations were very high to following morning with the same blade and I have to admit that I was a little let down. The second shave wasn't nearly as good. I'm sure my high expectations played a role but honestly I was surprised in the drop off in performance.

That being said I still look forward to every "first" shave with a Feather. I love these blades. I am waiting on a very inclusive sampler pack from Bullgoose. I think I have 10 different brands coming. Can't wait to try all of them out. It will take one hell of a blade to lure me away from the Feathers though.

I've noticed that the blades are somewhat inconsistent. I'll use a feather blade and get no problems from it and a amazing, but then when i switch blades, the next blade will chop my face up to the point where i can only finish my WTG pass and stop there. The inconsistency dropped my love for them lol.
I tried feathers for the first time today. So far, it's my favorite blade and I managed to not get any cuts or razor burn :thumbup1: I was scared to try XTG and ATG, but I do intend to try those passes later on.


If you like the "feather" do yourself a favor and try an "Iridium Super Stainless" next. I did and found the Iridium to be a tad sharper and smoother then the feather.
I've yet to get to the Iridiums - am looking forward to that soon.

About Feathers. I'm starting to have a very different perspective.

If you asked me 3 weeks ago, I'd have confirmed what others said (well, actually I did in other threads) and say "three superb to good shaves at most, sharp drop-off in performance". And have to be very careful about pressure.

The past couple of weeks, I used Feathers exclusively in Gillette NEW long-comb and short-comb razors, same technique as usual. Only difference was preparation and lather. Washed face with Pre de Provence soap and left that in place while building lather with Cella soap. (Was mostly using Proraso or Omega or Valobra before, not junk!)

Now I have a very coarse and fast-growing beard. It would take me three passes on the side, four or five on the chin and neck where hair grows irregularly and planes are lacking. Even with a Feather.

Now, with the different prep and lather, two passes (WTG + XTG) on the sides, three on chin (but no ATG). Same result, less irritation. Less iffy about pressure. And the Feather blade? Four shaves, exactly equal as far as I can detect, the fifth dropping off enough to make it a valid matter of choice - could discard or use. Wow. Hard for me to believe, but true.

One thing that makes the whole wet-shaving experience so rich is the interplay of elements. Different face shapes, beard types, growth direction, shaving products, preparation, building lather, brushes, razor geometry, blade characteristics...no wonder that we're seeing so many disparate opinions!

But that's what makes it fun.

= Bill

(P.S. to Steve)
I don't cut myself, even with Feathers - unless I hit an insect bite or something! That's a technique issue. I think you're totally on the right track. Feathers are sort of jumping into the deep end of the pool, but if you don't get discouraged or intimidated you'll learn faster that way. Best wishes!
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For some reason I always seem to get a perfect, nick-free shave with a brand new Feather. however, the second, third and subsequent times I always get some sort of nick... go Figure!

I had the same problem. After a few hours of reading people's opinions on blades, I decided to try the Red Israeli Personnas. Now I get a more consistent shave. I couldn't be happier now.
As others have said, the first shave or two with Feathers are good - but after that - for me - it deteriorates. The result: nicks and minor cuts. Actually, this is the ONLY blade that I can get only two good shaves out of. And considering their price, it isn't worth it.

The two blades I have been getting very good shaves with as of late are the - at least from some forum members - hated Derby blade and the Personna Red Pack. I also get good shaves from Bolzanno blades - but again their high comparative cost is a detriment.
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