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First shave with 1912 Ever-Ready SE

So i have been wet shaving since the middle of November now and loving it, been using a EJ DE89L which has been great, but i was looking around eBay and got myself a 1912 Ever-Ready SE, it cost me less then £5 with delivery and it looks brand new, like its never been used. So i mooched around here and found the blades i needed and they arrived today.

Grabbed a shower earlier, loaded up a blade and just had at it. I was a bit wary and massively unsure to start off with but once i had the angle figured it was a great shave, much closer then the EJ. I did nick myself twice which is something i aint done with the EJ yet but i think the Ever-Ready is now my main razor!

Are there any other SE razors that folk could recommend that don't cost the earth?

A whole new world has opened for you, ER 1914, ER 1924, MircroMatic Open Comb, MM Clog Pruf, MM Flying Bullet any Schick Injector.....Enjoy the trip!
Picked my first GEM up a little over a month ago. Two weeks later bought my second one. Next will be the Ever Ready
Are there any other SE razors that folk could recommend that don't cost the earth?

Almost all of them.
Cryhavoc's list is good. Shiny examples are plentiful and cheap on the bay. Minty will of course cost more.
Also check out VintageRazorShop on etsy. Haven't used them but heard good things.
"OCMM is pretty aggressive."

If you want the less aggressive version of the Micromatic try the "bullet tip" version. Milder but a great shaver!

I have caught the AD for SE Ever-Readys. I just love how they look and their antiquity is a huge plus. Also, as stated by others, they are relatively cheap to buy. I am sure that will change once more people start collecting/using them. I hear great things about them from users, so I can't wait to have my 1912 ER arrive and try it out.
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they are relatively cheap to buy

That's pretty much why i grabbed it, had another shave with it and yeah, i much prefer it to the EJ DE89, i mean there's nothing wrong with the EJ, its a great shave. I was looking on Ebay for some more but since Ebay decided to suspend my account because i dont have any I.D, i suppose that option is out for me.
Just grabbed a nice ever ready chain link 1912 for less than 10 last night on ebay. Its a bit dirty but thats fine by me I always clean them and polish regardless
I have most of the SE razors and my favorite for smoothness is the flying wing. Maybe I have an exceptional one but it is the one that seems to shave close and irritation free every time

GEM bullet knob safety bar micromatic (affectionate known as the flying wing)

Had a quick look on Ebay for one like yours Turtle and they are all USA based, seem reasonable price £10-£25 but the postage to the UK varies a lot on them. Plus with talk of import tax and other such stuff, its not something i know enough about to do or i would grab one on a friends account since i will have to set up a new one it looks like. But i will be keeping an eye out for that as its a beautiful looking razor
Nice, finally got to the point where i shave my head on just the bare clippers now with my trimmers, so i suppose the next step is just going for it and shaving my head, not going to lie, bit scared about the prospect but i suspect it will all be good.
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