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First Shave Impression with 46-47 Aristocrat. Question about Age.

Got the Aristocrat yesterday and used it for the first time this morning with a Personna Med Prep. My favorite razors so far are Fatboy/Slim set at 9, Progress set at 5 and Merkur 37c, which are relatively heavy, aggressive razors.

The Aristocrat felt well balanced with a shorter handle than my Fatboys. The head weight is relatively heavy when placed on my face, but didn't feel as heavy as the Fatboy. More like a Slim. Appropriate shaving angle was very easy to find and maintain throughout the shave. Shave was extremely smooth - one of my smoothest ever. 1 WTG and 1 XTG pass produced nice results for daily shave, but obviously not as close as some of my more aggressive razors. Shave quality was very similar to what I get with my Redtip.

What really impressed me was the smoothness of the shave. No dragging or nicks whatsoever. Great razor for hitting the trouble spots. I'm thinking this will be a great razor for 3 pass, ATG shave.

For those of you who know these razors, am I correct that the razor is a 46-47, but the case is a 48-50?

Good Morning Sir, nice Aristocrat you have there! Yes, it looks to me like a '46/47 model in a '48/50 case. None the less, a great razor. The 1946/47 Aristocrat is my favorite TTO razor. They are very classy. They also shave very well. You will probably discover the solid guard bar Aristocrats are a bit milder than the open comb Aristocrats. If you like the '46/47 model, try the 1930's Aristocrats. They are a little more agressive. Anyway, have a good day sir!
Thanks MB. I notice from your quote you ride. What type of bike? I've got a few. My wife is glad I've gotten into razors since they are cheaper than motorcycles.
Ebay. $51. May have paid a bit too much since it's not a matching case, but it looks good on my sink.
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