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First shave - Gillette Slim Adjustable

Tried my slim adjustable today, set at 5. Good shaver and the spots where the finish was missing had no effect on the shave at all. Not too sure I like the balance though. I am going to keep it on my stand for 3-4 days and then decide whether or not I put it in the stable permanently or sell it for funds to buy something else.
I am now shaving with str8 razors, but I got started with DE's, and tried several before I settled on a few that I liked. Bottom line, there is nothing wrong with trying a Slim (or any other razor). A lot on this "hobby" is very subjective, and regardless of what folks like, "you" have to try things and see what works best for you :biggrin1:
Try committing to using the Slim for one week and I'm sure that you'll grow to love it.

The Slim has more than it's share of fans here, so I suspect that you just need to dial it in finding the right balance point and razor angle.

The Slim was my most often used razor for a long time, a spot now held by Cadet OC's. So when I do pick up a slim (or any other razor) I need to refocus on the slightly different razor angle required.

Good Luck
I prefer the shave of the slim over the fatboy, but the fattie looks sexier. still, I find I get better shaves from a Progress 510, ymmv. subjective indeed!
. So when I do pick up a slim (or any other razor) I need to refocus on the slightly different razor angle required.

Good Luck

What is the required angle for a slim? I have one and my first shave was less than stellar. My face is still recovering and I shaved 2 years straight with an open comb Merkur, so I'm not a newbie to DE shaving. It is a steeper blade angle, shallower? Just wondering because I love the look and nostalgia of vintage Gillette's, but so far I haven't had a great shave with any of them. Conversely, my very first shave with my Muhle R89 was one of the best shaves I've had. So that told me I'm capable of using different razors. Just frustrated with the vintage lot...so far.
Jeff, first of all let me apologize if my previous post implied that you weren't proficient.

Let me expand on my earlier post which wasn't written as well as it could have been.

As to what angle I use the Slim at, I would have to say approximately 30 degrees. The reason I would approximate is that I really go by face feel, rather than approximating a particular angle.

As I tend to use particular razors for a number of days, I do notice that when I choose to use a different razor that the default angle that I've been using often has to be slightly adjusted. Other than the Cadet which hold the blade slightly flatter in the razor requiring a different angle. I do notice a difference if I've been using a Merkur 34 for a week and then pick up the Slim that there's a slight angle difference, done by feel. By the second and third morning using the Slim, my angle adjusts to fit the razor - hence my recommendation to stick with the razor for a few days.

A few other thoughts:

I'm wondering if the head of your razor might be slightly bent. The blade gap between the blade edge and safety bar should be equal along the full length of the safety bar. I have had the experience of picking up a Fatboy with a bent safety bar and it was just an ugly shave.

It's been awhile since I've used a DE89, but if I were to guess setting your Slim around 3 should be close to the blade gap of the DJ.

Finally, some blades work well in particular razors and not so well in other razors. In my Slim I love Personna IP's and both Astra SS & SP blades. The Derby's that work so well in my Merkur HD, don't seem to work in the Slim.

Hope this helps
Redrado, thank you for the expanded information. I did not take your post to imply that I was not proficient in any way. I was more expressing frustration with my inability to get a good shave with any of the vintage Gillette's I have so far, but I can seem to pick up a modern razor, open or closed comb, and get a very passable shave right out of the gate.

I will check my slim to make sure the safety bar is completely straight on both sides. I have not noticed that it's bent, but I honestly haven't inspected it closely specifically for that.

I need to dedicate a block of time, at least 1-2 weeks, to learning how to shave with the Slim, and to determine what settings are best. I guess there is a steeper learning curve for the Gillette's than I expected. I think starting this Sunday will be my Slim experiment. I have most of the week off since my daughter is visiting, so if I get a few poor shaves at least I won't have to worry about my dress shirt collar rubbing my neck all day...making the experience even worse.

Thank you again for the information and suggestions.
I get pretty good shaves from my Slim but get better shaves from my modern razors. I think a lot of people love the Slim and Fatboys for what they are...well made vintage razors....but it just doesn't work for everyone.
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