Got in my razor from Larry Andro today and gave it a go. Did two WTG passes. Paid close attention to blade angle and pressure and took it nice and slow. I was a little intimidated by the razor but ended with not quite a DFS but passable. I figured I should just take my time and concentrate on technique and worry about BBS later. I barely nicked myself on my left jaw line. It bled for maybe 15 sec. before it stopped on it's own. Overall I will say it was a success. It's pretty cool to do and learn something that is a lost art and most people consider to be crazy.
One question though, Do most people switch hands for each side of their face and if so which hand with which side, or do you just do the whole shave with your dominant hand?
Sitting here typing this reminds me of something a motorcycle instructor told the class I was in. "You should have a heathy fear(respect) for the motorcycle or you will find yourself in trouble. Master the basics first and then once those come as second nature you can move on to more difficult and skilled maneuvers." I think the same holds true for shaving with a straight.
Thanks for any feedback to my question in advance.
One question though, Do most people switch hands for each side of their face and if so which hand with which side, or do you just do the whole shave with your dominant hand?
Sitting here typing this reminds me of something a motorcycle instructor told the class I was in. "You should have a heathy fear(respect) for the motorcycle or you will find yourself in trouble. Master the basics first and then once those come as second nature you can move on to more difficult and skilled maneuvers." I think the same holds true for shaving with a straight.
Thanks for any feedback to my question in advance.