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First night trying out my R41!

So I have been waiting to use my R41 as I recently went through a variety of wet shaving changes and need to get reoriented (new products, razors, blades, etc.). But tonight I decided it was worth trying out the R41. I only shave my cheeks and neck, but I recently have been having a lot of difficult with the neck area with razor burn. I just received Tabac in the mail today and was excited to also try out this soap. The soap lathered beautifully. It required a bit more water than some other soaps I've used but the lather was just wonderful and cushion-y.

I have started using Personna Med Preps and so this was the blade I wanted to try out in the R41. I found shaving my cheeks to be very easy, but my cheeks are fairly resilient to razor blades and I've never gotten razor burn on them. I did ATG then XTG in opposing directions. I noticed that the blade was so close that it was literally scraping the slick off of my cheeks (the thin layer of shaving soap that still remains after a pass). It literally shaved my face dry. However, again, on my cheeks I had no cuts or razor burn of any kind. Without going ATG I was able to achieve a near BBS (acceptable for a first attempt with a new razor).

My neck wasn't too bad. Recently I have been attempting ATG passes on my neck which is from the ears in towards the adams apple and I have consistently performed poorly. So I have been suffering from bouts of razor burn this past month in an attempt to improve. I think I am going to stop doing ATG on the neck for a while. So I had taken a day off from shaving yesterday to let my razor burn heal and it was probably 80% healed. So tonight I did a 2 pass on the neck, WTG (Adam's Apple out towards ears) and XTG (S-N). I followed up with a touch up along the underside of my beard along my jaw line.

I have to say, I did pretty ​well. I think I aggravated some of the previous razor burn but I don't believe I caused any new razor burn. My alum block did not cause much stinging. Overall, I found the razor to be very enjoyable to use and quite smooth (considering I have heard some claims that it is not really a "smooth" razor). While I certainly did not achieve a perfect shave (definitely some stubble on the neck still, but not awful), it was not the gruesome bloodbath I had catastrophized in my head.

I will make some updates as I become more familiar with this razor.
It is a FINE razor as long as you respect it. Take your time, pay attention. It WILL bite you if you try to use it for a quick shave. It's like a beautiful woman. It demands all your attention, all the time.
there is so much drama associated with DE shaving, it's almost disappointing to hear that your shave was fairly normal. we want stories of bloodletting, beasts, nicks and weepers, not success stories. well that's what it seems at least.

good job on using your nouse and getting a fine result with your new razor bemiller!
I could provide a picture of my nicely shaven, nick free, razor-burn-less face I suppose if you would like something to look at :)
R41 is a nice well made (and well designed) razor. I have enjoyed using my custom R41 for about a year now. I even bought a "backup" that I never used and sold last week. This is one razor that will always be around for me. It just works!
It is a FINE razor as long as you respect it. Take your time, pay attention. It WILL bite you if you try to use it for a quick shave. It's like a beautiful woman. It demands all your attention, all the time.

Perfectly said. This is my 10th shave with it, and my first without any problems. Now that I've put in the time, I love it.
You couldn't have picked a better soap for the R-41. So far with my 41 if I use any other soap it turns out badly.
R41 is a nice well made (and well designed) razor. I have enjoyed using my custom R41 for about a year now. I even bought a "backup" that I never used and sold last week. This is one razor that will always be around for me. It just works!

What did you do to customize it??

You couldn't have picked a better soap for the R-41. So far with my 41 if I use any other soap it turns out badly.

I thought it would work out nicely, and it did!
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