I just received my Titan R today, and as luck would have it I had not shaved yet, so I got to try it out.
It is a very nice looking razor, although the finish is not as fine as a Feather AD-D1 or a Tradere OC. I may take a buffing wheel to it in the future, to polish it up. I prefer the slightly longer and smaller diameter Tradere handle, but the Titan is certainly OK. I like the smaller head of the Titan, although the Tradere is easier to hold when changing blades.
The best thing about it is the shave. For the first time, I loaded it with a Super Iridium so as not to push my luck. It is much more aggressive than the Feather. Probably about the same as my first generation Tradere OC. but I prefer the solid bar of the Titan. (Even though it does not seem overly aggressive, I've put more nicks in my face with my OC than any other razor, and have decided that I'm not an OC guy, at least not the First Gen Tradere OC.) My first impression is that it is about the same as my Progress on 2, but I will use it for a couple of weeks and update my thoughts on that. I can always change to an H base if I decide that it really isn't aggressive enough.
I still think the Holy Grail is a Stainless Steel Progress Clone made by Tradere or Feather but the Titan R1 may be a close second and it is available.
It is a very nice looking razor, although the finish is not as fine as a Feather AD-D1 or a Tradere OC. I may take a buffing wheel to it in the future, to polish it up. I prefer the slightly longer and smaller diameter Tradere handle, but the Titan is certainly OK. I like the smaller head of the Titan, although the Tradere is easier to hold when changing blades.
The best thing about it is the shave. For the first time, I loaded it with a Super Iridium so as not to push my luck. It is much more aggressive than the Feather. Probably about the same as my first generation Tradere OC. but I prefer the solid bar of the Titan. (Even though it does not seem overly aggressive, I've put more nicks in my face with my OC than any other razor, and have decided that I'm not an OC guy, at least not the First Gen Tradere OC.) My first impression is that it is about the same as my Progress on 2, but I will use it for a couple of weeks and update my thoughts on that. I can always change to an H base if I decide that it really isn't aggressive enough.
I still think the Holy Grail is a Stainless Steel Progress Clone made by Tradere or Feather but the Titan R1 may be a close second and it is available.