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First go with a Feather.

I've been working my way through the WCS sampler pack alphabetically and yesterday the highly feared Feather came up in the rotation. Loaded up my newly acquired ball end Tech and just to be safe I added a couple new things to my prep. Ended up not needing them but hey, better safe than sorry, right?


Decent shave, but I'm not real enamored with the Tech yet. Today I used the same blade in my favorite de razor, the Fat Boy set at 4, and got a much better shave.The Feather performed very well, no nicks at all, and no irritation, but I've had very good results with the Astra, Crystal and Derby blades as well.
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Your ER-type approach made me laugh: I took similar precautions when I used a Feather for the first time a few weeks ago. But, like you, I didn't need to reattach any limbs; in fact, I find that I very, very rarely cut myself with Feathers, whereas I quite often end up with a few little nicks when using other blades.
I just came back to a Feather after trying one a couple months ago. The first time didn't go very well with several nicks. today, I was using a Merkur 37C Slant and this time the shave was very nice. Very smooth and a close shave. Guess the technique improved enough to use the Feathers. :001_smile
Seeing that trauma pack and the cell phone gave me a chuckle... We all need to laugh at ourselves once in a while. :thumbup1:

Good post!
I have had GREAT results with a Feather in a slant HD. I also get a good shave with either a Fatboy or a Slim and a Feather, but the slant + Feather combo is the ultimate.
Feather blades are all I've ever used since I just started using a safety razor a few weeks ago. From what I've read, they are the sharpest blades around and don't seem to be fit for beginners. Oh well, I'm getting the best shaves of my life now, though I did score quite a few cuts along the way. :ohmy: :001_tongu
I must go out and get a Feather-safety kit before i load one up and attempt to shave with it. Trying all of the other blades in the sampler first .
I'd have to agree that with the lightest possible touch the Feather & Slant is incredibly able to make a smooth surface with just 1 pass.
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