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First go with a '60s SS

I picked up a '60s SS Flare Tip on B/S/T, as well as a handful of brushes, and they all arrived at my mailbox yesterday afternoon. So after a good oxyclean and barbicide soak (for the SS) and a soap, vinegar, and dry cycle for the brushes, I was excited to give them all a go today.

So, for my first run with the Flare Tip, I decided to make it a shave comprised completely of firsts. Flare Tip first use. New (to me) Vulfix Mayfair, first use. Santa Maria Novella crema de barbara, first use. Israeli Personnas, first use.

I have to say, I was blown away. Maybe it was the razor, maybe it was the blades, maybe it was the lather, maybe it was the soft cream. Whatever it was, no nicks, no cuts, and my face felt incredibly smooth with none of the neck razor burn I've been getting lately

So...tomorrow, I'll load a Personna into my NEW and go with the same setup. I'll be interested to see how this blade handles with the Long Comb! If it's still great, I'll experiment with the Med Prep Personnas I have coming to me in the mail, and then may venture towards trying a Feather to see what works out best.
No, in one go I picked up a pack of brushes on B/S/T - a Wee Scott, the Vulfix Mayfair, a Vie-Long pony and a Vie-Long badger. Instant expansion from my first real brush, a very skritchy Tweezerman, and my second, an Omega Boar (which will still see service with my Cella). I've decided that buying new just doesn't make sense...at least until I *know* what I want.
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