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First experience with Witch hazel

After reading up about aftershave and their purpose I saw where folks were using witch hazel and thought I'd give it a try. I picked up a bottle of Thayer's Peach Witch Hazel and used it for the first time yesterday and then again today. It's nothing like what I was expecting. I was expecting a sharp sting like I get with all the other AS I've used before but there was no sting at all. I checked the bottle and there is alcohol in it but I guess the other ingredients stop the stinging. It has a nice peach smell that only lasts a few minutes so it doesn't clash with the cologne that I'm using. I"m going to have to try other AS now and see how they feel and smell.
Plain old drug store witch hazel has 2 ingredients: Witch Hazel (86%) and Alcohol (14%). That is far less alcohol than normal aftershave. That is why there is so little alcohol burn from it. The scented versions have other ingredients, but the WH/alcohol ratio is the same. I prefer unscented, then I follow immediately with aftershave.
I use the original Witch Hazel from Thayers and find it fantastic - no smell, quick soothe. It's great when I want to wear cologne.
I use just regular store brand WH almost every day. I'm not looking for fragrance just the astringent and treatment properties. I have a small bottle of WH with a few drops of lavender essential oil. The levender doesn't last long but it also is known for its healing and antiseptic properties.
I'm definitely enjoying the WH. I'll have to try the unscented ones as well. I like the idea of no strong after smell of AS to compete with the cologne. I'll have to try using the British Sterling AS I have after the WH and see what happens. Ah, the possibilities. :001_smile
Plain generic Witch Hazel is all I apply after the shave. My skin has really responded well to it and looks good. Lack of scent is a bonus as I do use a cologne/fragrance.
I use witch hazel after every shave. I get the drugstore stuff and add a few drops of glycerin in a spray bottle (an old L'Occitane cologne bottle). I started with Thayer's and I have quite a few bottles in the various scents left in my den.... but I almost prefer the really cheap drugstore stuff. Thayer's smells better.... but the cheap stuff works just as well and does the job.

I use WH every day. Gave the Thayers to my wife and daughter and switched to Dickinsons, which to me feels like a much higher quality product.
Well, after using WH for the the past 5 mornings, I must say I really like using it. It feels smooth and does not sting. This morning after shaving I rinsed off my face with water (a new thing I learned here instead of whipping dry with a towel), I used some WH and a minute or so later used some British Sterling AS (Christmas present). It stung just as much as if I hadn't use WH. I guess I was expecting it to be less of a sting for some reason. Any way, my new morning ritual is going to be shower, shave, rinse, WH, cologne. I'll have to get several different brands of WH and see if there is much of a difference and if there is, figure out which one I like. I'm enjoying this new hobby/obsession. :001_smile
I'll have to try the tea tree oil. I think we still have some in the kitchen. I'll have to look for Dickerson's next time I'm out. I can see a collection starting to form. :001_rolle
I've got the Lemon scented and the Aftershave from Thayers and both make my face feel great. While the Aftershave has a much more medicinal smell, its fragrance like the Lemon, does not stick around for long at all and allows for any choice of cologne I might make.
I use just regular store brand WH almost every day. I'm not looking for fragrance just the astringent and treatment properties. I have a small bottle of WH with a few drops of lavender essential oil. The levender doesn't last long but it also is known for its healing and antiseptic properties.

In a word "Smart" thats a great combo, I have treated several small burns with neat lavender and several applications and the burns almost dissapear befroe your eyes. Amazing for the skin in general and a great combo IMO.
Where do you all get your lavender oils? the firsts places that come to mind is Whole Foods and Trader Joes.
Witch Hazel is also an excellent base for mixing other non-WH containing aftershaves. I use a 1-1 mix of Clubman and Thayer's. Excellent results, and the Clubman is subtle enough at that ratio to work well with most cologne I use.
Witch Hazel is also an excellent base for mixing other non-WH containing aftershaves. I use a 1-1 mix of Clubman and Thayer's. Excellent results, and the Clubman is subtle enough at that ratio to work well with most cologne I use.

I did the same thing with Aqua Velva Musk and Dickenson's WH. I like AV Musk, but it's a bit potent. I didn't want to water it down and lose any of the healing goodness. Instead I added WH and it worked out well. The mixture was cloudy at first, but isn't anymore.
Thayer's Rose is, IMHO, one of the best kept secrets on the market. Clean, zero alcohol, and refreshing but not overpowering. Works great in the summertime and winter alike and you can still use whatever cologne/AS/balm you like without coloring the scent. Also readily available if you have a Whole Foods nearby. What more could you ask for?
I've just been using the generic Up&Up brand from Target.Took me awhile to get used to the burnt wood scent,but I cover it up with a scented AS or balm.Works as good as the more expensive brands.
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